As far as I know (and understand), the FLOLS model in FSX uses so called
separation planes. These planes determine the visibility (i.e. distances and angles of view) of lights, attached to a 3D model. These limits are then hardcoded during model's compilation and can't be changed during simulation in any way.
Just to show... Here's a small part of Gmax ASM code I used to set the visibility distance for my Mk14 IFLOLS model (featured in my FCLP Missions pack 2):
; Alpha
IFLOLS_Mk14_Alpha label BGLCODE
;; This controls the visibility range, in meters
;; this visibility is roughly two miles
IFIN1 beyond_range, 033Bh, 0, 3700 You can see that I limit the visibility of my IFLOLS to 2 NM.
The fact that you can't see FSX FLOLS lights beyond 1.1 NM means that the FLOLS's author has limited its visibility to these 1.1 NM... And nothing you can do about it...