It is absent from the EXE.xml file. It is not a problem since can always start it directly from my desktop after FSX has loaded. But just curious why it has vanished from the EXE file
Surely it can't vanish from the EXE for no reason. It can ben only something else you have installed after it. Note that, none of our products acces the EXE.XML file, not even for reading ( let alone writing ) after the installation, the only time we'll ever deal with that file, is in the installers.
I could add it back in manually to EXE file but would like the exact syntax first so I don't cause a catastrophe instead of a correction. Thanks - great product, Umberto...having fun with it.
If you simply run the GSX installer, the Couatl section will be put back in. Of course assuming your EXE.XML isn't already corrupted for some reason but, in that case, the GSX installer will alert you, creating a brand new EXE.XML, after having made a backup of the old one.