I think the developer of the MD80 Pro I'm using is Coolsky. Is this the same one as you are using Umberto?
Obviously yes, it's a supported airplane in GSX, if it wasn't, you wouldn't be seeing all the specific custom messages about its doors.
Second: hit Shift-E at the same time, then immediately hit 2.This sequence always closes the main door again! And the message persists. Frustrating!
This works just fine, and operates the airstair. You just need to get your timing right.
Note that, this doesn't have *anything* to do with GSX, which doesn't change anything to the doors operations: it only READS their status, but opening them it's exactly the same as if GSX was never there. So, I guess you never see the MD80 Airstair before...
GSX reminds me to 'remember to operate the jetway . . .'. I tried this by hitting Ctrl-J, however I can't tell if anything happens.
As explained, countless of other times already (in the forum, in the manual, everywhere...) GSX doesn't operate, doesn't change, doesn't read, doesn't write, is not affected by and doesn't control *anything* related to the jetways. It only knows IF a jetway is there but again, its operation is exactly the same as it was if GSX wasn't there.
So, if you are on a parking with a jetway (which airport, which gate ? ) and the jetway doesn't work, that's nothing to do with GSX, it wouldn't worked even if you never installed GSX.
Any other ideas Umberto?
Just get you timings right. It works here, sorry. If you really can't, simply assign the secondary door to a different key with FSX