Author Topic: Green Taxiway Lights are too big (3D FSX) Umberto, are you there?  (Read 4443 times)


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Hi Umberto,

I know you're busy with GSX but I wanted to ask if you could provide an update to the Green Taxiway Lights for KLAS. For me in 3D, they appear really large and have a larger than life over-glow (about 3 times the size of the Green Taxiway Lights at KLAX - which are perfect). (Sorry I don't have a screenshot).

If you could amend the KLAS Taxiway lights to look precisely like the KLAX ones that would be ideal.

Not to mention if you could adjust the Terminal Floodlights at KLAS and use the same ones from KLAX.


« Last Edit: February 29, 2012, 05:58:20 am by XCLTM3 »
Latebra Factum, Tertia Optio


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Re: Green Taxiway Lights are too big (3D FSX) Umberto, are you there?
« Reply #1 on: February 29, 2012, 01:18:14 am »
Bump, I am interested in this as well.