Author Topic: buildings floating in kjfk andf ic ant register it why! it shows error 25001  (Read 4064 times)


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my buildings is floating in kjfk and i cant register it why! it shows error 25001.. please help me with the two issues!


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    • VIRTUALI Sagl
The Esellerate site is currently down, read here:

and here:

There's really nothing we can do from here, it's all in the hands of the Esellerate people, and it's really the first time it happened, in the 6 years we use the service.

Note that it's not really relevant to our products, several other Digital River sites like Swreg, Regnow, Digitracks, etc, are down, so probably many thousands of other software developers like ourselves are in the same situation.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2012, 03:21:57 am by virtuali »