1) Any chance of having CARGO animations for those of us like the cargo aircraft ?
Sure, we'll initially add just pallet loaders for baggages, but a full cargo operation expansion is planned.
2) It would be good for future updates to allow limits on the catering truck and stairs as to whether they use 1 or 2 vehicles. Many smaller 737's & A320's only use one truck.
You'll be able to customize this when we'll release an airplane editor.
3) Just messing around with it an Innsbruck and noticed the baggage truck driving right down the center of the runway to get to my aircraft. I am guessing this is not how its done in real world.
GSX vehicle will prefer using vehicle paths, if the airport AFCAD has them. If there aren't, or there isn't another way, they'll use taxiways and, as last resort they'll cross runways too.
So, it's really an issue that must be checked with the AFCAD, if it has enough vehicle parkings, enough vehicle paths and on both sides of a runway, so the GSX vehicles shouldn't cross it to reach a gate.