Author Topic: Unable to re-install KORD (and KLAX) in new system  (Read 3813 times)


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Unable to re-install KORD (and KLAX) in new system
« on: June 29, 2018, 02:02:56 am »
Dear Customer Service:
After years of running two FS Dreamteam sceneries successfully (KLAX and KORD), I have run into a problem which has prevented me from getting them operable on a new system. I recently upgraded my gaming system to an Intel i7 8600K, Gigabyte 1070 based setup with 16 GB of memory and over 2 TB of storage. After a clean install of WIN10 and re-install of FSX-SE*, I was able to re-install most of my other add-on, aviation software. But after repeated attempts to implement the “re-installation” procedures suggested here on the Forum, I can't seem to successfully get these to install correctly.
I have the original purchase order (SIMMARKET), confirmation letter, and installation letter including the two Registration Keys. I installed the two sceneries using the DEMO installers and both were successfully added to FSX-SE. Although the two sceneries appear for a short time as “DEMOs”, I cannot get the “reinstall, re-license” procedure contained within the “Addon Manager” in FSX to work. After it asks for my “Serial Number”, I am returned to FSX and the full scenery is missing. (The “post demo”, jetports-only version of the scenery is all that remains.)
Can you provide some assistance on how to correctly reinstall these two products? (I realize this question may have been asked and answered previously, and if so, feel free to redirect me...)
  W. Allen

*I have never used FSX, only FS2004 and FSX-SE.


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Re: Unable to re-install KORD (and KLAX) in new system
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2018, 02:01:29 pm »
The usual question:

- Do you have BOTH the Addon Manager and the Couatl menus under the "Addons" menus of the sim ? If not, the problem of missing menu items under the Addons menu it's usually caused by one of these:

1) Defective antivirus. Download and install with the Antivirus disabled AND configure the antivirus to exclude the whole Addon Manager folder from scanning BEFORE starting the sim.


2) Missing/Corrupted VC++ libraries in your system. See solution in the "Addon Manager not showing up in P3Dv4 **SOLVED**" thread:,17484.msg122656.html#msg122656

It's for P3D4, but the concepts are still valid for FSX:SE too.