Well, we'll think about this, but it should be made in spite of realism. For example, the real MD11 has a separate baggage door on the left side.
But the 767 has proper service doors on the right side, it would't be right to let the catering on the left side, just because not all airplanes have animated it properly, also because having the same door used for passengers and catering would conflict with the whole operation logic.
I have to say it was disappointing (when we made the customization for it) to discover the Level-D 767, which is still great product today, doesn't have a complete set of animated doors. I'm not expecting they would go overboard like Captain Sim, which animates everything even the unnecessary (although it makes for an airplane which is quite fun to use), but at least the main exit, cargo and service doors should be modeled, since even default airplanes have them.