Author Topic: On a Positive Note - GSX  (Read 4267 times)


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On a Positive Note - GSX
« on: February 06, 2012, 11:45:50 am »

congrats to you and the crew at FSDT!

I've been using GSX for almost a week now and am pleased to say I've run the product through various arduous testing and it has been a dream thus far.


1. It has worked in all the ORBX airports I have - YBBN, YMML, YSCB, YBCS, YMLT (I had to remove the ORBX static vehicles and people flow to facilitate GSX but that was no big deal due to ORBX's great interface).

2. A couple of very minor glitches in some freeware airports but this will be resolved (in a patch you produce hopefully soon) whereby we users will have some control on the airport AFCAD and this I imagine will assist us in getting Follow-Me car and Pushback Trucks even in smaller airports.

3. And of course, your wonderful airports KLAX and KLAS. I just flew a night flight IFR from LAS to LAX in the PMDG 737NGX in 3D and put quite simply, the combination of GSX and your airports with the 3D night lighting and all the bells and whistles were mind blowing! I highly recommend anyone to do the same in 3D and you'll see what I mean. It's too bad not many other airport devs are writing 3D codes for all the lighting at's stunning!

4. If you ever consider creating YSSY, I'll be the 1st in line to purchase!! (Hint, Hint!)

5. Can't wait to see all the progressive improvements/add-ons that will go with GSX over the coming year/s!

Thanks again Umberto! Bravo!


Latebra Factum, Tertia Optio