... I use DSD GXT for the whole FSX World, and haven't installed it into even my test system with DSD GXT already installed;
You'll have to download GSX again, because the patching is made by the installer, so it can't be updated with a Live Update, we need a new installer.
However, the installer is not so "dumb", because BEFORE patching the existing vehicles file, will make a BACKUP of it, named vehicles_airport.gsx, in the Scenery\Global\Scenery
So, you can safely use GSX with the DSD Ground vehicles if, after the GSX installation, you rename the vehicles_airport.gsx back into vehicles_airport.bgl, so you'll get the same pre-patch version you already had before.
Only downside is, until we do a proper patch for DSD, you'll see BOTH Pushback vehicles, the GSX one and the default (replaced by DSD) one.