Author Topic: AFCAD Help  (Read 4354 times)


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« on: January 29, 2012, 08:50:02 pm »
Hey all,

I'm trying to manipulate my AFCADs so as to produce real-life runway configurations. I know, altering FSX AFCADs is somewhat tricky, especially for someone like me who is not very savvy on the process! The whole concept of "x-wind runways" and an AFCAD filled with over a dozen short grass runways that don't really exist is a very daunting one for me!

I'm looking to configure my AFCADs so that I can dictate the runways in use regardless of the winds. I think I'm having some luck, but I'm still not getting the results I'm looking for. I'm JFK based in real-life aviation, so of course, with these AFCADs I'm trying to be a perfectionist! Though I realize, getting real-life runway configurations may not be possible to FSX limitations. Here are the primary runway configurations used in real life:

Departure push (8am-noon, and 5pm-10pm-ish)

 -Land 4R/22L, Depart 4L/22R, RBV departures Depart 31L intersection KE (best configuration, allows the highest departure rate/hour)
 -Land VOR 13L Approach, Depart 13R (used if departing 31L not possible due to tailwinds -- second best departure configuration)

Arrival push (5am-8am and 12pm-5pm)

 -Land VOR/DME 22L and VOR 13L, Depart 13R  (winds from the South or Sout East)
 -Land 31R and 31L, Depart 31L (winds from the North or North West)

ALL 4 runways are NEVER used at once. The most ever in use simultaneously is 3 (4L/22R, 4R/22L, 31L or 22L, 13L, 13R)

These configs are used, of course, if weather conditions allow. During the departure push, if the winds are, for example, 070@30kts or more with IFR weather, ILS 4R would be used with departures going off 4L (31L not available due to tailwind components). If the winds are strong from the Northwest (30kts or more) ILS 31R is used, with departures using 31L.

As I'm sure everyone here is aware, ILS 13L is used in extreme weather only for reasons too numerous to name. Typically used ONLY if winds dictate 13L/13R (i.e wind 130@35) with ceilings/visibility not allowing VOR13L to be used. Even in these cases, ATC will bang it out on the 4s or the 22s for as long as possible, as ILS 13L is a last resort config. Teterboro airport is essentially closed due to LGA having to use ILS 13, and JFK's arrival rate drops from 40+ per hour to about 25 per hour or less. When JFK goes to ILS 13L, the typical wheels up wait is 3-4 hours for JFK bound departures, and airborne holding can exceed one hour. It takes NY TRACON about 20 minutes just to clear the airspace to commence that operation.

Anyways, I've been using Airport Design Editor 9x (still learning!) and I've been able to get some luck by creating AFCADs forcing, for example, 13L to be used for arrivals and 13R to be used for departures by deleting 4L/22R and 4R/22L from the AFCADs, but when I do this 13L traffic uses the ILS straight in approach and I lose the Canarsie approach. The reason I'm trying to do all this is because, in real life, if winds were 180@15 during the evening, 13L and 13R would be used -- however, I guess FSX selects the runways in use by referencing wind direction, and would therefore use 22L and 22R in this case (not realistic unless there was IFR weather precluding the Canarsie approach).

Anyone have any insight or suggestions? Thanks in advance!