First, you should never post informations about your order on a public forum, because someone might reactivate the scenery with the order number, since you also registered and kept your email public.
What you wrote is not very clear, what do you mean with "I can't activate" ?
- Have you installed the scenery ? Does it work fine in Trial mode ? If yes, then everything it's ok from the installation side.
- Have you tried to reactivate it using the methods described in the installation manual ( fsdt_install_guide.pdf under the fsdreamteam folder under the main flight sim folder ) starting from Page 12, and it's also described here, in the sticky post in the General section, aptly named "Reinstallation after system upgrade or crash, please READ!" ? After having follow these procedures, are you getting any error messages stating the scenery can't be activated for any reason, or any other messages ?
Please, describe exactly what you are doing, because it's otherwise very difficult to help you.