Author Topic: New Terminal at KLAS  (Read 41960 times)


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Re: New Terminal at KLAS
« Reply #15 on: July 15, 2013, 07:11:12 pm »
The good news about LAS is that... JFK v2 was released, so we are one step closer to KLAS T3!


FSDT, keep up the good work!

Thanks and Cheers

And hopefully, an update to the highspeeds coming off of 7R/25L. the 90 degree turnoff at A3 has been gone since the before the scenery came out. It just didn't make it to the scenery in time for its release.

Also, hopefully, updates to the taxiway signs as well. Specifically, ones at the intersection of A2, B, R, and C that say "ALL AIRCRAFT MONITOR TOWER AT THIS POINT".

And finally, hopefully, the new scenery does *not* include the Walmart next to the 25s on Eastern and Patrick. That place is a dump.  :P



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Re: New Terminal at KLAS
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2014, 03:05:29 am »
Just bought KLAS FSDT after using the demo and was sad to see the new terminal was not included   . I will definitely be keeping my eyes open for the huge changes that this airport needs.

(Price should be reduced for a airport that is far out of date)

Brian S

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Re: New Terminal at KLAS
« Reply #17 on: January 16, 2014, 11:06:31 pm »
I am still hoping this is either being worked on or strongly considered.  The significant changes in the airport, combined with the new implementations of scenery techniques and development done by FSDT since KLAS's original release, are all very noteworthy reasons for a V2.  There is no doubt significant costs would be involved in the development to make it P3D/FSX compatible, and charging for such an upgrade would be the right thing to do.  My credit card is ready.  Is yours?   ;D


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Re: New Terminal at KLAS
« Reply #18 on: January 17, 2014, 10:04:14 am »
I am still hoping this is either being worked on or strongly considered

It's not being worked on at this time (we are very busy finishing KIAH and another very large unannounced airport), but it is strongly considered for the next scenery being revamped, like we did for JFK.


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Re: New Terminal at KLAS
« Reply #19 on: January 17, 2014, 06:58:12 pm »
I see you guys are a bunch of noobs.  KLAS is not in the forecast before KIAH.  Why drop prices when people are still buying?  If you don't like the missing additions you can go make your own.  This airport came out  before all that(changes).  Also, if you purchased after the knew what you were buying.  You could have just waited till a new version was ready.  Flightbeam is getting ready to drop KDEN and there are a HELL of a lot more additions that airport will not have until real life construction is completed....but, people will still be buying.   ::) :P
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Re: New Terminal at KLAS
« Reply #20 on: January 17, 2014, 07:15:57 pm »
I see you guys are a bunch of noobs.  KLAS is not in the forecast before KIAH.  Why drop prices when people are still buying?  If you don't like the missing additions you can go make your own.  This airport came out  before all that(changes).  Also, if you purchased after the knew what you were buying.  You could have just waited till a new version was ready.  Flightbeam is getting ready to drop KDEN and there are a HELL of a lot more additions that airport will not have until real life construction is completed....but, people will still be buying.   ::) :P

First off, 6 month old thread revival.

Second, we knew back then when Umberto said that there wasn't going to be any work done on it prior to KIAH.

Third, the highspeed changes off of 25L were there BEFORE FSDT released KLAS. I mentioned that when the first version of the scenery was released. That thread is still here. T3, I'll give you, but the highspeeds were there before.

Fourth, do you expect that we will have to repurchase the scenery when it is updated? If so, what's your justification for that expectation?



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Re: New Terminal at KLAS
« Reply #21 on: January 17, 2014, 08:20:33 pm »
Fourth, do you expect that we will have to repurchase the scenery when it is updated? If so, what's your justification for that expectation?

Nobody said anything about "repurchasing".

I thought that, by saying "scenery being revamped, like we did for JFK" I thought it would be understood that upgrade conditions would be similar. KLAS has been released in 2009, if we'll released V2 in 2014, it's the same 5 years time span for a paid upgrade (at a very reduced price) than the JFK V2 upgrade.


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Re: New Terminal at KLAS
« Reply #22 on: January 17, 2014, 10:47:20 pm »
I see you guys are a bunch of noobs.  KLAS is not in the forecast before KIAH.  Why drop prices when people are still buying?  If you don't like the missing additions you can go make your own.  This airport came out  before all that(changes).  Also, if you purchased after the knew what you were buying.  You could have just waited till a new version was ready.  Flightbeam is getting ready to drop KDEN and there are a HELL of a lot more additions that airport will not have until real life construction is completed....but, people will still be buying.   ::) :P

First off, 6 month old thread revival.

Second, we knew back then when Umberto said that there wasn't going to be any work done on it prior to KIAH.

Third, the highspeed changes off of 25L were there BEFORE FSDT released KLAS. I mentioned that when the first version of the scenery was released. That thread is still here. T3, I'll give you, but the highspeeds were there before.

Fourth, do you expect that we will have to repurchase the scenery when it is updated? If so, what's your justification for that expectation?


I don't mind having to "repay"....Do I want to..."no".  However if we are "subject" to repaying.  You know you will be buying it.  You wallet will be open just like everyone else.  :)
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Re: New Terminal at KLAS
« Reply #23 on: January 19, 2014, 09:03:50 pm »
Well an ORD update was free (granted the runways have changed again), so one can always hope.


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Re: New Terminal at KLAS
« Reply #24 on: January 19, 2014, 11:44:44 pm »
Well an ORD update was free (granted the runways have changed again), so one can always hope.

Even if it was "just" the runways, it was a significant upgrade which took quite a bit of work.

The one that will be likely made for KLAS would entirely remade the ground to have full FSX native code (and DX10/11 compatibility with a projected 30% fps increase, like in JFK V2) IN ADDITION of having updated runways and a whole new Terminal IN ADDITION to that.

As I've said, it will be about 5 years after the original KLAS release, for how much time we are supposed to keep a product updated for free ?


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Re: New Terminal at KLAS
« Reply #25 on: January 21, 2014, 12:45:27 am »
As I've said, it will be about 5 years after the original KLAS release, for how much time we are supposed to keep a product updated for free ?

Certainly a decision your team will have to make.  All I can do is formulate my own opinion based on other software developers inside and outside of the sim world.

Kind regards.

« Last Edit: January 21, 2014, 12:48:31 am by CaptKornDog »


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Re: New Terminal at KLAS
« Reply #26 on: January 21, 2014, 09:41:16 am »
All I can do is formulate my own opinion based on other software developers inside and outside of the sim world.

If we followed what other developers inside and outside the sim world, in 5 years we should have released many paid updates. Or, should I say "DLC" ? Is a DLC a more friendly name for a paid update ? Not even mentioning the 0-day DLC. Which is something it was developed right from the start together with the game, but not included in the standard release, to be sold separately.

Lots of developers base their entire business models to following the ever changing outside world modeled in their simulation. Obvious example, yearly paid updates ( no, not even heavily updates, you must repurchase at FULL price ) to sports games, mostly to keep up with updated player rosters.

Is there another flight sim developer that has released a major update (not just a maintenance patch) to a product released 5 years before, for FREE ?
« Last Edit: January 21, 2014, 09:43:09 am by virtuali »


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Re: New Terminal at KLAS
« Reply #27 on: January 21, 2014, 03:24:46 pm »
Is there another flight sim developer that has released a major update (not just a maintenance patch) to a product released 5 years before, for FREE ?

Yes, certainly there are some (I even develop for one).  I won't go and start naming other companies and examples here on FSDT's forums though, that is disrespectful to you.

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Re: New Terminal at KLAS
« Reply #28 on: January 21, 2014, 04:10:45 pm »
Yes, certainly there are some (I even develop for one).  I won't go and start naming other companies and examples here on FSDT's forums though, that is disrespectful to you.

Since I've explicitly asked for it, it won't be obviously considered "disrespectful". And of course, it would make sense saying there *are* other companies in the flight sim world that offers free major upgrades after 5 years, if the upgrade is REALLY a major one so, in this case, we are discussing about:

- Redoing the ENTIRE ground from scratch, removing every trace of FS8/9 legacy code, in order to get full DX10/DX11 compatibility.  This has the side effect that even the runway lights would have to be custom modeled from scratch, because that method doesn't work with plain AFCAD runways.

Due to how this works, and the fact that we are basically the only FS developers that HAVE 100% FSX native code *including* ground AND for very large airports (not bush airfields), I'd say any comparison ends up here, because another developer wouldn't even have to do this, since they don't have this feature to begin with.

I repeat that this is a REAL 100% native FSX code, that DOES NOT require the DX10 fixer and it comes with the performance improvement associated to the complete removal of the old FS8 code ( 30% fps gain at JFK, in the very problematic NY area, it might be even better at KLAS ).

Something that still requires the DX10 fixer does NOT qualify to be comparable to this, and certainly won't require such a massive redoing so yes, we would offer it for free, and we DID IT, with the O'Hare and Zurich updates (Zurich had 2 major free updates)

We did all of this for JFK V2, instead, which is why JFK V2 is not free, although it's heavily discounted as an upgrade.

- A new terminal, which involves redoing all the taxiway and parking layout around it so, the KLAS update might be potentially more involved than the JFK update, but it won't cost more.

So, to refine my previous question: can you name a developer that offers a FULL, major upgrade with full DX10/11 compatibility in true 100% native code without requiring the (not free) DX10 fixer (and that wouldn't stop the performance loss of the still present FS8 code), 5 YEARS after release, FOR FREE ?
« Last Edit: January 21, 2014, 04:14:19 pm by virtuali »


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Re: New Terminal at KLAS
« Reply #29 on: January 21, 2014, 04:54:48 pm »
Sounds like you answered your own question there, so I won't respond to it any further.  With your refined-scope question and statement you're "basically the only FS developers", I'll let your post above be the last word.   This is now drifting very off topic, getting into developmental processes and business philosophies, rather than LAS's new terminal.  Nor do I feel like going back and forth in a debate based on my own paying-customer opinion, which was not my intent anyway.

I look forward to a LAS update that includes the recent airport layout and structural changes as well as the IAH product.

Kind regards.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2014, 04:56:23 pm by CaptKornDog »