i run fsx always as an administrator (i checked the option on fsx.exe's properties)
This simply means you don't need to enable the XP Compatibility mode in the first place.
Maybe I wasn't clear enough: the previous 3 solutions are NOT required by OUR products! A
ll our products are fully Vista/Win7 compliant, and they will work without having to do any of the 3 solutions I've proposed, which included the running FSX As Administrator. You can run FSX as Administrator or not, or you can use any of the other 2 solutions, it won't make any difference to our products, they will run either way.
Those 3 solutions are only needed if, for any reason, you have been suggested to enable the
XP Compatibility mode, because of OTHER addons that might require it.
Since *THAT* doesn't work with our products, and it's not needed by FSX at all, I've offered the 3 solutions as alternatives to the XP Compatibility mode, since this is the only reason I might think of why you might have been suggested to enable the XP Compatibility mode, which shouldn't be used with FSX.
So, as long as you turn off the XP Compatibility mode, our products will work.
You need to install the Stand-Alone Addon Manager after all the sceneries, only if your scenery installers are not the most current version and you are not sure if they are, and don't want to re-download them all.