Author Topic: Texture bleeding  (Read 5121 times)


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Texture bleeding
« on: January 12, 2012, 11:24:57 pm »
I have encountered some mild texture bleeding after arriving at KLAX the other day (first flight to the scenery). It does not occur when starting at KLAX, only when arriving at KLAX from another airport (in my case KLAS. Later tests done from KFAT, slew to KLAX).

An example screen shot:

This is near the 07R threshold. It obviously looks worse in spot view than in vc view. Disabling KLAX_rw.BGL does not allow me to reproduce the issue. And it does only occur on the runway(s), although I haven't done extensive testing, it takes a while for FS9 to complete startup...


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Re: Texture bleeding
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2012, 12:24:58 pm »
Started with the stock altitude of the airport and made sure the Afcad matched it. I then made a flatten covering the entire airport at the same altitude (I had some bigger buildings floating on the east side of the airport). Finally decompiled KLAX_rw.BGL and made some changes there. Removed the displaced threshold markers from the file (replaced by more accurately placed markers of the Afcad, this probably changes the runway lights, but I can live with that). And I changed the altitude as well. Same slew from KFAT shows no more bleeding, I'll try to do a regular flight later.

Figuring this out has given me renewed insight into the scasm runway files used by many devs, I'll now go fix a similar issue with the ImagineSim KEWR scenery, which was brought to the attention of the dev, but never addressed.

Should anyone want any of my files, send me a PM.