Yeah, the auto trim is something that is being worked on by JIMI. He is definately doing alot of the ground work on that one... it's been testing well and might get adopted into the Sludge at some point. Will keep you updated on the progress there.
The trim stuff is something I'm debating about fixing the auto-elevator or just leaving it all to the pilot. Right now, I re-tweaked the Sludge to get closer to the default so that I can fix the "pitch up on roll out". Am getting a hold on the "why" just have to run a few more tests to make sure thats the cut-n-dry reason its pitching up. Here's a good question to ask Chris: on the auto-trim cat launch, does the trim "disengage" from its auto setting once the pilot takes over? Meaning... REAL WORLD... Hornet set at 12 NU TRIM, you do the cat shot and grab the stick, does the FCS sense this and dial the trim back down? This will help me determine if I can make an XML that would disengage the trim and go to an UA auto-trim flight state.
Also, the problem with cruise performance and speeds is also one of the biggest limitations of FSX. FSX accounts for pressure altitude but doesnt CORRECTLY compensate for density altitude. What you end up getting is decent performance up to 8-10k' AGL but then the power/altitude thrust curve falls off way beyond real-world. One of the things I've tried to do was get more real-world mid/high altitude performance from the Hornet, so that you can dogfight in the 20-30k range but with this FSX limitation it's very difficult to overcome. When I looked at the charts, the Hornet is supposed to be at max cruise efficiency around 36k. But again, because of the FSX pressure vs density altitude miscalculation problem, the default (and Sludge) dont fly well (underpowered) in that airspace regime. So that will be a down-the-line fix, when I can full wrap my head around that specific topic and the fixes given out at FSDEVELOPER.com site.