Author Topic: AES for KLAX?  (Read 41188 times)


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Re: AES for KLAX?
« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2011, 09:20:43 pm »
Hmm.. Yes it's your compagny, so U rule it... good luck Mr. Umberto when customers will run away.

AES-using customers will run away because we are waiting for our AFCAD to be final, in order not to break AES at KLAX as soon it will be released ? You might even start saying we made it on purpose...

In any case, I really don't understand why this fuss is all about, and it's happening only here. Flightbeam's KSFO, just to give an example, was released in March 2011, was updated to 2.0 at the end of July, and got AES support in August, and the FS9 version was released in October.

I can't find any trace of any complains on their forum, not by FS9 users complaining about having to wait 7 months for the FS9 version (compared to all the flak we had here because KLAX for FS9 was released only 30 days after FSX), nor by AES users having to wait 5 months, compared to this useless discussion because it might come a couple of weeks later that it could.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2011, 09:30:10 pm by virtuali »

Frank Lindberg

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Re: AES for KLAX?
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2011, 09:50:14 pm »
Okay Umberto, that fair. What is the time line here? Can we expect it to the next aes release? U think?
VA. Senior Captain Frank Lindberg
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Re: AES for KLAX?
« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2011, 10:32:51 pm »
Umberto, us not complaining about Flightbeam is likely because he is brand new to the FS scene. Not much was known or expected. However, FSDT is an established well respected top-tier scenery company so more is expected of you all (you all should take this as a compliment). The bigger and better you are, the higher the expectations will be.


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Re: AES for KLAX?
« Reply #18 on: December 08, 2011, 02:12:51 am »
Okay Umberto, that fair. What is the time line here? Can we expect it to the next aes release? U think?

Yes, I'm next to this question. Any chance to get AES by Christmas, folks?

Many people, including myself, purchased FS2004 new KLAX in hope for AES. Otherwise, I would use C9 KLAX until now and save some money.

You decided not implement AES with C9 KLAX - ok, your choice. Then you suggested that new remodelled KLAX will have AES. Now we have new KLAX and we don't have AES again (!!!). This is very frustrating in terms of customer relations.

Thank you
« Last Edit: December 08, 2011, 02:51:52 am by Dimon »
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Re: AES for KLAX?
« Reply #19 on: December 08, 2011, 12:17:18 pm »
Good grief! Is there no patience anymore ???


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Re: AES for KLAX?
« Reply #20 on: December 08, 2011, 12:33:40 pm »

I can't find any trace of any complains on their forum, not by FS9 users complaining about having to wait 7 months for the FS9 version (compared to all the flak we had here because KLAX for FS9 was released only 30 days after FSX), nor by AES users having to wait 5 months, compared to this useless discussion because it might come a couple of weeks later that it could.

Well......I did complain on the Aerosoft forum about we had to wait very long for AES-support. See overhere:

Look for post# 13    ;D


Bruce Hamilton

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Re: AES for KLAX?
« Reply #21 on: December 08, 2011, 02:54:05 pm »
Interesting sig you use on Aerosoft forum, maybe it applies here to LAX not having AES.   ;D ;D
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Re: AES for KLAX?
« Reply #22 on: December 08, 2011, 03:08:19 pm »
In any case, I really don't understand why this fuss is all about, and it's happening only here. Flightbeam's KSFO, just to give an example, was released in March 2011, was updated to 2.0 at the end of July, and got AES support in August, and the FS9 version was released in October.

Well, maybe you start to realize what I desperately tried to explain to you already in other threads, especially the one about Zurich's update. Maybe the Flightbeam guys don't keep posting completely misleading post's about when the customers can expect this and that? Maybe you now understand that people get mad if you promise things to be released "soon" with soon=several months? Mabye people get impatient due to postings of yours like this? Or maybe: people get tired in the end because you come up with a "reasonable excuse / explanation" why in the end it was again not possible to finish this and that in time... But honestly, I expect exactly the same reaction again on this post...


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Re: AES for KLAX?
« Reply #23 on: December 08, 2011, 03:41:50 pm »
Maybe the Flightbeam guys don't keep posting completely misleading post's about when the customers can expect this and that? Maybe you now understand that people get mad if you promise things to be released "soon" with soon=several months?

Again, you still failed to understand the main motivation, which is of course we still need to fix some things in the AFCAD that will affects AES and will break it immediately after release, and this problems have been FOUND BY USERS:

We didn't intentionally put bugs in, we though those were all fixed with the 1.1 update, but there are still several things that need fixing, and as that user reported, even some parking are missing, and there are other problems with misalignments too.

There's a side effect of having to deal with people that *bought* AES credits: we have less freedom to improve the AFCAD after AES is released, because many modifications that affects parkings, jetways and taxiway paths, will break it until Oliver release a fix based on the new AFCAD, it happened with both new versions of Zurich and KORD but, since both were fairly old sceneries that weren't updated in years, it wasn't really a problem but, with KLAX being new and with its AFCAD still in the process of being refined, it's best to have a "final" version before letting AES being based on it, because there's a fair chance that people would have to wait for another update as soon as they bought credits for it,
« Last Edit: December 08, 2011, 03:50:25 pm by virtuali »


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Re: AES for KLAX?
« Reply #24 on: December 08, 2011, 03:59:27 pm »
You decided not implement AES with C9 KLAX - ok, your choice. Then you suggested that new remodelled KLAX will have AES. Now we have new KLAX and we don't have AES again (!!!). This is very frustrating in terms of customer relations.

Nobody said you'll not have AES in the new KLAX, the scenery has even taken its toll on performances that it wouldn't had if it was made as the Cloud9 version (jetways integral with the terminal are much faster compared to being separated in order to be excluded by AES), which was faster also because it couldn't be easily enhanced by AES, not the only reason, but one of them.

There will be support for it but, we need to have a final AFCAD for AES to based on otherwise, the same people who are now complaining because is not out yet, would then complain asking why we modified our AFCAD immediately after the AES release, making their credit purchase unusable until the next fix.


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Re: AES for KLAX?
« Reply #25 on: December 08, 2011, 05:36:17 pm »

Do you have any timeframe for release? Christmas 2011, January 2012, Q1 2012...
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Re: AES for KLAX?
« Reply #26 on: December 08, 2011, 10:25:10 pm »
Do you have any timeframe for release? Christmas 2011, January 2012, Q1 2012...

Before the end of the year, likely, because we are going to check all our AFCADs anyway due to the GSX release. So, really, all this drama is just for a couple of weeks more.


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Re: AES for KLAX?
« Reply #27 on: December 09, 2011, 02:23:32 am »
Do you have any timeframe for release? Christmas 2011, January 2012, Q1 2012...

Before the end of the year, likely, because we are going to check all our AFCADs anyway due to the GSX release. So, really, all this drama is just for a couple of weeks more.

Thank you!
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Re: AES for KLAX?
« Reply #28 on: December 10, 2011, 09:37:32 pm »
Umberto, first of all, I just bought LAX for FS9, and I'm very excited to have a very nice looking scenery at one of the largest airports, especially being from California myself. It's beautiful. Now, speaking of this AFCAD, I've noticed another thing: the Southwest airlines terminal in the real LAX is Terminal 1, which is the Northeast most terminal in that loop of terminals at LAX. In the FSDT LAX, however, the Southwest airlines are at Terminal 2, which in reality, is supposed to be an international terminal. Maybe LAX will change it, but for now, did you intend to do this? If not, will the AFCAD fix any incorrect airline terminal parkings?


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Re: AES for KLAX?
« Reply #29 on: December 14, 2011, 02:51:11 am »
Umberto, first of all, I just bought LAX for FS9, and I'm very excited to have a very nice looking scenery at one of the largest airports, especially being from California myself. It's beautiful. Now, speaking of this AFCAD, I've noticed another thing: the Southwest airlines terminal in the real LAX is Terminal 1, which is the Northeast most terminal in that loop of terminals at LAX. In the FSDT LAX, however, the Southwest airlines are at Terminal 2, which in reality, is supposed to be an international terminal. Maybe LAX will change it, but for now, did you intend to do this? If not, will the AFCAD fix any incorrect airline terminal parkings?

You just have to search read. ::) This is a temp fix for those issues.

And everyone complaining about why LAX isn't AES'd yet is really over reacting.  ::)