Author Topic: Toggle Wikipedia icon  (Read 8874 times)


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Toggle Wikipedia icon
« on: November 26, 2011, 09:44:40 am »
Hi, gents.  :)

A nice addon for my VFR flights that is. Seems like I've missed it all the years.  :-[

However, I wonder if there is a way to toggle the Wikipedia icon (the red one in the screen centre) after one has used it.

Once activated, the only option I can see is the global Wikipedia disable/enable option in the XPOI config. But I'm looking for a simple 'disable current Wikipedia compass' option in the Ctrl-F11 menu. Otherwise, the red pointer in the middle of the screen stays there unlimited time.

Another question is the way XPOI handles the maximized FSX window after using the XPOI config. The maximized window always gets reset to the state with the window borders, which triggers a sort of screen rebuild and then forces another one when the user clicks on the maximize button again, to get rid of the borders.
This also happens when I access the key mapping menu, while the access of e. g. the Addon Manager leaves the screen size intact.

Thanks for your help.  :)


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Re: Toggle Wikipedia icon
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2011, 05:31:26 pm »
Once activated, the only option I can see is the global Wikipedia disable/enable option in the XPOI config. But I'm looking for a simple 'disable current Wikipedia compass' option in the Ctrl-F11 menu. Otherwise, the red pointer in the middle of the screen stays there unlimited time.

The default key for the Wikipedia menu it's CTRL+F9 and, if you open it then close it without selecting any entry, if there's a Wikipedia icon active, it will disappear.

Another question is the way XPOI handles the maximized FSX window after using the XPOI config. The maximized window always gets reset to the state with the window borders, which triggers a sort of screen rebuild and then forces another one when the user clicks on the maximize button again, to get rid of the borders.

Doesn't happen here. XPOI restores the FSX Window in the same way it was before opening the menu. It's just that it might take a bit to do it, and you should't try to interfere with the keyboard while the screen is switching.


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Re: Toggle Wikipedia icon
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2011, 08:36:13 pm »
Thanks for your answer. I will try the feature on the Wikipedia icon. I must have missed it.  :-X

On the maximized window, it still is maximized after accessing the XPOI or keyboard bindings dialogue, but it received a complete window frame, instead of just being 'normal maximized' and only showing the title bar. Hard to explain, but I only get it with those two options from the menu.
However, if I stay the only person with that problem, so may it be. Not a biggie.

Edited. I've attached two pictures of this different maximized window I'm talking about. Note the borders on the second one. Both windows cover the same screen size.

Those boarders lead to the resizing of the FSX window. If I then double click the title bar, I have my maximized window back of course, but this again forces a moment of window resizing. As this only happens with the two options mentioned, I found it to be worth a note. As said, no biggie and maybe on my system only. Although I wonder why.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2011, 08:48:42 pm by CoolP »


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Re: Toggle Wikipedia icon
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2011, 08:59:01 pm »
Ok, now I see it too, the real issue is not the borders, is the fact that, when you return from a maximized mode, XPOI restores the Window according to its normal non-maximized size.

In your specific case, they are set very similar, because you exited from FSX with the Window maximized so, FSX stored that size as the regular size in the fsx.cfg, which means the basically are the same, except for the borders.

We'll try to see if there's a fix.

I was answering about returning from full-screen mode instead.


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Re: Toggle Wikipedia icon
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2011, 09:30:58 pm »
No problem and thanks for the fast answers of yours. The product is real fun and I blame myself for not having it since it came out.  :)


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Re: Toggle Wikipedia icon
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2011, 06:07:44 pm »
You tip on the Wikipedia icon works perfectly, Umberto. Here's a 'thank you picture' from the Italian Antarctic station and a nice and working XPOI there.  :)

A great help down there.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2011, 06:11:45 pm by CoolP »


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Re: Toggle Wikipedia icon
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2011, 11:29:39 pm »
Thank you for your screenshots, I have say that, of all our products, XPOI is the only one we wish it was more understood: we probably failed to communicate its intended usage well enough, which could be lots of fun, and could give a different spin to flight simming, at least for VFR buffs.

Maybe people are put away by screenshots, believing that, by installing it, they *have* to fly with all the icons visible, all the time, without knowing how fast is to turn it on/off when needed, and by doing so, they are missing a great little product, which is constantly improving day by day, since the data gets enhanced, fixed, improved every day by the whole geographical community.

From the day when we started it, the database has grown by more than 2 million points of interest, and hundreds are fixed each *day*, with the updates available to anyone without requiring any support from us. And, it's a very stable product too, since it's the one requiring less support BY FAR.

Maybe, with all the fuss about "cloud gaming" nowadays, XPOI will be rediscovered a bit in the future...


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Re: Toggle Wikipedia icon
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2011, 05:54:11 am »
I think you are summarizing quite good there. The impression of 'many green dots on my screen' may have lead to the late discovery of mine. I  saw it before, but didn't look closer. When installed, it wasn't bad at all and the menus are easy. So after 2 minutes I had 'my' setup running and XPOI then even showed stuff in Antarctica!

Seriously, for VFR and even some IFR parts, I wouldn't want to miss it. We simmers fly to places we've never visited before and those small hints or even quick Wikipedia explanations are a blast. If it wasn't that 'old' (regarding the release year), I would call it my addon of the year 2011.  :)


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Re: Toggle Wikipedia icon
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2011, 09:07:51 am »
Absolutely thumbs up for XPOI!  8)