Author Topic: O'Hare DX10 Fix - Download even if you use DX9!  (Read 14457 times)


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    • VIRTUALI Sagl
O'Hare DX10 Fix - Download even if you use DX9!
« on: May 12, 2014, 04:34:54 pm »
Here's a fix for the problem with O'Hare taxiway lights when using it under DX10 and FSX. To install it, perform these two steps:

Step 1
Download this:

And uncompress it into the following folder:


Select the option to "Merge" it with the current folder contents.

Step 2
Download and install the current Stand-Alone Addon Manager:

If you downloaded the O'Hare Full installer after today, May 12th 2014, you don't need to apply this fix. You can verify this by right-click your oharex_setup.exe and select Properties->Details. If the installer version is 2.3.4 or higher, you don't need this fix, because it's already included in the installer.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2014, 02:47:33 pm by virtuali »