Author Topic: Crash to desktop when loading or approaching an FSDT airport, please help!  (Read 8974 times)


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I have several FSDT airports. KJFK and KORD. I'm planning to buy more in the future because the sceneries are great.
But I'm having a really bad problem. Everytime when I load my aircraft on an FSDT airport, or approach it to land, FSX crashes to desktop, saying "A fatar error occured".
When I uninstall Add-On Manager, but keep FSDT KJFK and KORD installed, I have no crashes at all, but of course then the buildings do not work because Add-On Manager is not installed.
So there must be something wrong on my system that causes Add-On Manager not to function properly.
So I reviewed the error log folder, but unfortunately I'm not able to copy the information. What it basicly says is:

Application error: FSX.exe
Module error:  MSVCR80.dll

I search around your forum and found out that this has got something do to with the Microsoft C++ VS2005 Redistributable. I can not remember uninstalling anything of this, I have never done this. I suspect that one of my add-ons has installed another or wrong version of the redistributable.

So I tried totally uninstalling these redistributables, and rebooted my pc. Reinstalled them all over, both x86 and x64 versions. This did not work.

I tried dragging out my dll.xml, exe.xml, and FSX.cfg, and let FSX rebuild these files themselves. I reinstalled FSDT KORD and KJFK, along with the newest version of Add-On Manager from your site.

This all didn't work.

I also have an FSX.cfg tweaked with the HIGHMEMFIX=1. I also have the UiAutomationCore.dll in my FSX root folder.

None of this works.

I think a total reinstall of FSX is required. But I'm afraid that this is not gonna fix the problem, because there is something wrong with those redistributables.

If you have any suggestions Virtuali, that would be great. Before reinstalling FSX, which is a painful job to do, I'll first try your solutions, thanks!


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Re: Crash to desktop when loading or approaching an FSDT airport, please help!
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2011, 12:04:09 pm »
Don't try to install the redistributables yourself, both the sceneries and the Addon Manager installers comes with the correct version of their installers so, first uninstall them all, then just run the Addon Manager installer.

Also, check if you have the VC++ 2008 redistributables as well. There was a known problem of the 2008 version corrupting the  MSVCR80.DLL of the 2005 version, and the 2008 is used by PMDG. Microsoft fixed the problem, but maybe you have an old version of the 2008 runtimes that created the problem. So, you might try removing them as well, and reinstall them.

Other ways to update the runtimes is run Windows update and let it update everything: many MS hotfixes (like .NET frameworks) contains update to the runtimes.

If all else fails, you can try to REPAIR the FSX installation after removing all the VC++ 2005 and 2008 runtimes, this might fix the problem without having to reinstall FSX


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Re: Crash to desktop when loading or approaching an FSDT airport, please help!
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2011, 08:02:14 pm »
Thanks for your help. I uninstalled all VS2005 and VS2008 Redistributables via Add/Remove programms. I rebooted by PC, then I inserted my FSX disc one, chose the "Repair" option, the installer was replacing files, and I inserted disc 2 when prompted. In the end it said that FSX has finished doing maintenance. I did not receive any error messages. When I looked in Add/Remove programms afterwards, no redistributables were installed whatsoever. I restarted my PC and still no redistributables appeared in Add/Remove programms. FSX does not want to start either, obviously, because those redistributables are not there anymore. Is their any way I can find the specific redistributables on the internet, or on the disc perhaps?




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Re: Crash to desktop when loading or approaching an FSDT airport, please help!
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2011, 09:01:03 pm »
Thanks, I'm now trying an entire reinstall of FSX. There is no need to uninstall any runtimes correct? FSX should do that automaticly.


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Re: Crash to desktop when loading or approaching an FSDT airport, please help!
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2011, 09:24:25 pm »
Thanks, I'm now trying an entire reinstall of FSX. There is no need to uninstall any runtimes correct? FSX should do that automatically.

Yes, in theory but, those runtimes are shared and updated with so many OS components, that basically anything can update them, remove them or upgrade them.


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Re: Crash to desktop when loading or approaching an FSDT airport, please help!
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2011, 09:42:11 pm »
Ok, thanks for all your support mister. You're giving the customers great and very helpful support for all your lovely products!

I have just reinstalled FSX, with succes. But before I'm gonna cheer early, I'll have to see if the FSDT airports will work fine. So now the moment of truth. But before I'm attempting anything, what would be the correct order of reinstalling my add-ons? I also have ALL PMDG planes, and as you said earlier (in another topic), the PMDG 747X was causing a bug in one of the runtimes. So should I install FSDT first, and after it my PMDG 747X and all my other stuff, or the other way around?


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Re: Crash to desktop when loading or approaching an FSDT airport, please help!
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2011, 10:24:57 am »
I haven't said the PMDG will surely create problems with the runtimes, I've said that PMDG used to install the VC++2008 runtimes, and there was once a known bug in those runtimes that corrupted the MSVCR80.DLL from the 2005 version, it has been fixed by Microsoft a long time ago, and I don't even know if the bugged version was ever included in a PMDG product, so that's the only connection between the issues.

The installation order shouldn't matter but, I'd try with FSDT sceneries first, and then check if they work before doing anything else.


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Re: Crash to desktop when loading or approaching an FSDT airport, please help!
« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2011, 02:25:50 pm »
Ok, thanks! It all works perfectly fine now, no crashes.

But, of course I want to prevent this from happening again in the future. Do you have any tips? For example, should I cancel when an add-on tries to install a runtime? (Perhaps it installs an old version which can cause problems), if all runtimes have been installed anyway.
