Cloud9 Support > Washington scenery

Scenery not showing

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But have you INSTALLED the scenery ?? Have you seen error messages during the installation ?

If your scenery.cfg was already corrupted, the installer will tell you with warning messages and will not complete, and the scenery will not be installed unless you fix the problem.

I run the installer as admin, and at the end I see:

 "Setup has finished installing Cloud9 Washington National FS9 on your computer. Click Finish to exit Setup."

Also, I see the addon manager in FS9. So, its installing without any errors, but the scenery isn't showing.


--- Quote from: joli on November 11, 2011, 11:47:15 pm ---Also, I see the addon manager in FS9. So, its installing without any errors, but the scenery isn't showing.
--- End quote ---

The installer automatically adds the scenery to the Scenery Library so, if it hasn't, it means there was something wrong with your scenery.cfg.

Try to add the scenery manually.

I added the scenery manually and now I see the scenery. So this means something is wrong with my scenery.cfg?

Thanks for the support

Well, the scenery shows, but how can I get the jetways to work? At first it worked for a little bit, and i got the message up top saying whether or not the aircraft was supported and it would dock to the aircraft if it was supported. Now, I can't even get the green message. What do I do?


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