Author Topic: Poor performance  (Read 73227 times)


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Poor performance
« on: October 26, 2011, 06:35:34 am »
Hi Folks ...

I bought and installed KLAX ... wonderfull airport, especially together with the photoscenery by PC Aviator it brings overwhelming night - (and day) approaches to my screen !

So first of all I say thank You for bringing it into FS9 ... but ... performance is veeeery low on my computer. Even without ai - traffic, fps are 1/3 below those I get at KJFK.
I guess, this is because all of those new techniques ? will there be a tool to convert textures to a smaller size at least ? would be great, to play this one fluent ...

Regards, Mats


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Re: Poor performance
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2011, 11:06:17 am »
I'm sorry, but we believe performances are very reasonable considering the airport complexity on an modern system, and won't invest any time working at it.

The textures are ALREADY resized 4x times comparing to the original FSX version so no, we won't offer any tool to resize them further, since the quality is already what we consider the absolute minimum. You can obtain the same effect by lowering the "Max Texture Size" slider one notch, it will resize everything from 1024x1024 to 512x512.

If you want to run KLAX on a low-end system, there's always the Cloud9 version, which is still on sale and still supported.


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Re: Poor performance
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2011, 07:08:42 pm »
I don`t run KLAX on a low end system and there is absolutely no need to answer my question in such a crude note. A simple "no" would have been absolutely sufficient!
I asked, because many users of my forum wanted to know, whether they might encounter performance problems using typical FS9 - machines (eg. E8500). Now I can answer them with a "yes" ...

Anyway the scenery is wonderful if You run it on a high end machine ... great work and absolutely worth buying it.


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Re: Poor performance
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2011, 09:33:22 pm »
the scenery is wonderful if You run it on a high end machine
I have an average machine (E8400) bought some five years ago and the performance is excellent for me.
So maybe there is some kind of problem on your side? If the performance was low in general, I would surely experience it too.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2011, 09:36:30 pm by Rafal »
i7 7700k 4.2GHz, GTX 1080Ti, Asus MAXIMUS 9 FORMULA, 32 GB RAM DDR4, WD40EFRX 4TB, SSD 850 EVO 1TB, SSD 850 EVO 250GB, LG 34UM68-P 34" ultrawide monitor, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, MSFS2020


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Re: Poor performance
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2011, 03:15:20 pm »
I'm seeing exactly the same problem as it was with FB KSFO. Strongly suspect incorrect uninstall of previous versions of the sceneries on some folks' machines. For me, KLAX is a piece of cake.
i7-6700k@4.6Ghz, Z170 Delux, 980Ti-6GB5700, 2TB EVO850, 16GB DDR4 RAM Win7/64 PRO.


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Re: Poor performance
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2011, 04:30:48 pm »
I don't agree, There are real issues with frame rates with this least so far. There is nothing to uninstall as far as Umberto has layed out. The only issue would be removal of the entry in the Scenery.cfg file. At least that's what's be said so far?


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Re: Poor performance
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2011, 04:41:26 pm »
I don't know what to say, folks. I have stable 50FPS with 100% my own AI, REX, UTUSA, ASV6.0 and 25-30FPS on 25L approach from iFly 737 Virtual cockpit. My system is very average nowadays; i7-950, 12GB RAM, GTX460, Win7-64.

My only wish is slightly improved ground textures, but it's minor thing
i7-6700k@4.6Ghz, Z170 Delux, 980Ti-6GB5700, 2TB EVO850, 16GB DDR4 RAM Win7/64 PRO.


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Re: Poor performance
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2011, 04:45:50 pm »

So first of all I say thank You for bringing it into FS9 ... but ... performance is veeeery low on my computer. Even without ai - traffic, fps are 1/3 below those I get at KJFK.

Because FSDT KJFK is a known FPS hog (many reasons for that including FS2004 default heavy load in this area) and since you have no problems with JFK, KLAX should be an easy ride for you. 
i7-6700k@4.6Ghz, Z170 Delux, 980Ti-6GB5700, 2TB EVO850, 16GB DDR4 RAM Win7/64 PRO.


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Re: Poor performance
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2011, 05:06:15 pm »
Well, I'm starting to suspect that it's a corrupted system specs are below.

I am getting 25fps on short final but at the Cloud9 KLAX with ActiveSky running, MegaScenery SoCal, FSGlobal2010, and UT USA. Then I simply remove the Scenery.cfg entry for Cloud9 KLAX, install the FSDT version of the airport and get 7-10fps. There is nothing else that I'm changing or doing.

It's gotta be the airport/download...

My FS9 System :
O/S Windows XP32 SP3
CPU Intel Core i5-650 @ 4.1ghz
M/B Gigabyte H55M-S2V
GPU Gigabyte GeForce GTX-560-OC TI
Memory G.Skill DDR3-1333 2 x 2gb @ 1600mhz
Cooler Thermaltake ISGC-400
HDD 4 x 1tb of SATA2
Case Antec DF-35
Monitor Samsung SyncMaster 243T
Controllers Saitek X52 Pro and Rudder Pedals


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Re: Poor performance
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2011, 05:22:13 pm »
Well, I'm starting to suspect that it's a corrupted system specs are below.

You can't get a corrupted download, the installer has self-integrity checks, if the download is corrupted, it won't install.

My FS9 System

Your system is very good, hardware-wise, the only wrong choices are the software: Windows XP32 and FS9...

using a 1GB video card on Windows 32 bit it's not good because, since the total memory allocated can't be more than 4GB in *total* (including VRAM), your VRAM will cut into your main memory so, you have about 2.5/2.7GB usable (depending on the hardware), a 64 bit OS will be much better, because you would at least have all of your 4GB usable.

And, of course, you have a system which should be very capable of running FSX: have you tried the FSX version of KLAX ?


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Re: Poor performance
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2011, 09:22:23 pm »
the only wrong choices are the software: Windows XP32 and FS9

I think you are too pesimistic about it, Umberto.  ;)

I use FS9 on Windows XP 32 bit, with rather aging hardware in general, with the 3GB switch though, and have good performance.
Your KLAX has surprised me with high FPS, so congrats and thank you for the brilliant addon (no matter what you think personally of FS9, lol).
« Last Edit: October 27, 2011, 09:31:04 pm by Rafal »
i7 7700k 4.2GHz, GTX 1080Ti, Asus MAXIMUS 9 FORMULA, 32 GB RAM DDR4, WD40EFRX 4TB, SSD 850 EVO 1TB, SSD 850 EVO 250GB, LG 34UM68-P 34" ultrawide monitor, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, MSFS2020


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Re: Poor performance
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2011, 09:28:17 pm »
Well, I'm starting to suspect that it's a corrupted system specs are below.

I am getting 25fps on short final but at the Cloud9 KLAX with ActiveSky running, MegaScenery SoCal, FSGlobal2010, and UT USA. Then I simply remove the Scenery.cfg entry for Cloud9 KLAX, install the FSDT version of the airport and get 7-10fps. There is nothing else that I'm changing or doing.

It's gotta be the airport/download...

My FS9 System :
O/S Windows XP32 SP3
CPU Intel Core i5-650 @ 4.1ghz
M/B Gigabyte H55M-S2V
GPU Gigabyte GeForce GTX-560-OC TI
Memory G.Skill DDR3-1333 2 x 2gb @ 1600mhz
Cooler Thermaltake ISGC-400
HDD 4 x 1tb of SATA2
Case Antec DF-35
Monitor Samsung SyncMaster 243T
Controllers Saitek X52 Pro and Rudder Pedals

Swoop Hmm for a cpu that's overclocked at 4.1 somethings not right there I wish I could help but I don't have fs9 installed I could install it on my son's system since that was my older main p.c that I gave to him will test it out and see what I get fps.

Hi Folks ...

I bought and installed KLAX ... wonderfull airport, especially together with the photoscenery by PC Aviator it brings overwhelming night - (and day) approaches to my screen !

So first of all I say thank You for bringing it into FS9 ... but ... performance is veeeery low on my computer. Even without ai - traffic, fps are 1/3 below those I get at KJFK.
I guess, this is because all of those new techniques ? will there be a tool to convert textures to a smaller size at least ? would be great, to play this one fluent ...

Regards, Mats

Hi Mats what are your system specs ?
« Last Edit: October 27, 2011, 09:30:49 pm by Silverbird »

New Jersey EWR


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Re: Poor performance
« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2011, 09:55:28 pm »
Hi Cesar ...

my system - specs are:

E8500 @ 3.6 GHz
GForce 8800 GT 1024Mb

Call it outdated, but not everybody is willing to buy a new system every 6 month ... most simmers I know, have similar systems or even lower specs. The whole rest of my FS9 is running fine (not less than 20 FPS under all conditions). So I simply wondered, why KLAX isn`t doing so. For the time being, I will use it with aircraft which are not so performance-hungry as a iFly 737 or a PMDG "Queen" are.


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Re: Poor performance
« Reply #13 on: October 27, 2011, 10:02:48 pm »
Here is FSDT KLAX FPS on my old FS9 PC (Win XP32, E8400, 3GHz, 8800GT).
And I have everything maxed out plus a lot of addons (first two with default aircraft and the last one with the Queen by PMDG):

i7 7700k 4.2GHz, GTX 1080Ti, Asus MAXIMUS 9 FORMULA, 32 GB RAM DDR4, WD40EFRX 4TB, SSD 850 EVO 1TB, SSD 850 EVO 250GB, LG 34UM68-P 34" ultrawide monitor, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, MSFS2020


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Re: Poor performance
« Reply #14 on: October 27, 2011, 11:04:29 pm »
Are You kidding me ? showing pictures with such a very small cutout ? of course I would have FPS like You under such circumstances. Probably better. I am interested in FPS during approach with almost the whole airport in sight, including ai etc.