FS9 support > Los Angeles support FS9

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If you really own a 4000$ system and can't run KLAX on FS9 well, I suggest to complain with those that configure it because, as was clearly proven by several other people in this forum, KLAX for FS9 runs very well, considering its size and its complexity.

So, you should ask to the people that sold you that monster system, why people with far less capable systems than yours, are getting very good performances and you don't:

For example, here:

A comment on Avsim here:

--- Quote ---I have tried KLAX and just purchased it. Great add-on. I have my frame rate locked at 50 and have not gone any lower than 39 with the PSS/JF 757. Most of the time the rates are in the mid 40's or higher. This includes taxi, takeoff, circle, and landing. I am VERY pleased. My spec are in my sig.
--- End quote ---

Another here:

--- Quote ---Frame rates are the same as the old Cloud9 on my system (i7 920 @3.2GHz, GTX260 Graphics, 6 GBytes RAM, Win7 x64 Pro); FSDT KORD is a bigger hit.
--- End quote ---

This is how it runs on my 2.66 ghz Mac with a 512MB ATI 4870:

This is how it runs on my LAPTOP ( Core 2 Duo 2.83 ghz, 512 MB Nvidia GT9600 M ):

Another user in the Screenshots forum, 30 fps with AI too:

Another user here:

--- Quote ---I noticed that when loading this scenery, it is much faster than Cloud9. I have LAX as my FS9 startup scenery
The frame rate is almost or even faster than Cloud9.
--- End quote ---


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