FS9 support > Los Angeles support FS9

FIX for Double arrows on the displaced thresholds

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before all, many thanks for this great scenery !

I detected a bug on my first 06R approach with default lines on the runway that you can see on the picture.

What can I do please ?

Best Regards,

Charles Bellot.

It's not a bug, it's an FS9 limitation: it's not possible to exclude the default threshold arrows from the AFCAD, only FSX allows this, so for FSX we made our custom arrows, which are embedded in the detail texture so, it would look very bad if we just remove them from FS9, because that area would be blurred and in a different color.

I do not fully understand why the double lines can't be fixed? Las Vegas had the same problem and it was fixed.

I also hope it can be fixed.
The 06R markings are double and the runway is flickering in that place.
Pity for such an outstanding scenery anyway.


--- Quote from: Saturn_29 on October 25, 2011, 11:28:25 pm ---I do not fully understand why the double lines can't be fixed? Las Vegas had the same problem and it was fixed.
--- End quote ---

Because this scenery is made very differently compared to KLAS, that one had an AFCAD background below, this doesn't because the runways and taxiways are all fully custom, and what flickers is not our markings, it's the default markings (that can't be excluded in FS9 THIS is the problem), so even if we remove *our* arrows to fix the double arrows, there will still be the non-removable default arrows flickering against the background, which we can't remove in that place (as in KLAX), because otherwise it will show the default FS9 photoreal background, which is so badly blurred and mismatched in colors, that it will visually look way worse than the double/flickering arrows do right now.


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