Author Topic: FIX for Double arrows on the displaced thresholds  (Read 25698 times)


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FIX for Double arrows on the displaced thresholds
« on: October 25, 2011, 06:54:05 pm »

before all, many thanks for this great scenery !

I detected a bug on my first 06R approach with default lines on the runway that you can see on the picture.

What can I do please ?

Best Regards,

Charles Bellot.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2011, 02:21:50 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Double lines
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2011, 07:00:22 pm »
It's not a bug, it's an FS9 limitation: it's not possible to exclude the default threshold arrows from the AFCAD, only FSX allows this, so for FSX we made our custom arrows, which are embedded in the detail texture so, it would look very bad if we just remove them from FS9, because that area would be blurred and in a different color.


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Re: Double lines
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2011, 11:28:25 pm »
I do not fully understand why the double lines can't be fixed? Las Vegas had the same problem and it was fixed.


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Re: Double lines
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2011, 12:19:03 am »
I also hope it can be fixed.
The 06R markings are double and the runway is flickering in that place.
Pity for such an outstanding scenery anyway.
i7 7700k 4.2GHz, GTX 1080Ti, Asus MAXIMUS 9 FORMULA, 32 GB RAM DDR4, WD40EFRX 4TB, SSD 850 EVO 1TB, SSD 850 EVO 250GB, LG 34UM68-P 34" ultrawide monitor, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, MSFS2020


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Re: Double lines
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2011, 11:14:08 am »
I do not fully understand why the double lines can't be fixed? Las Vegas had the same problem and it was fixed.

Because this scenery is made very differently compared to KLAS, that one had an AFCAD background below, this doesn't because the runways and taxiways are all fully custom, and what flickers is not our markings, it's the default markings (that can't be excluded in FS9 THIS is the problem), so even if we remove *our* arrows to fix the double arrows, there will still be the non-removable default arrows flickering against the background, which we can't remove in that place (as in KLAX), because otherwise it will show the default FS9 photoreal background, which is so badly blurred and mismatched in colors, that it will visually look way worse than the double/flickering arrows do right now.


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Re: Double lines
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2011, 02:20:29 pm »
Never mind what I've just said before, it turned out the solution was easier than we thought: here's the fix. You'll have to stay with the default displaced threshold arrows instead of our custom ones (since they can't removed in FS9), but at least there will be no double arrows and no flickering.

To install, unzip into the fsdreamteam\KLAX_V2\scenery folder and replace the existing files.


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Re: FIX for Double arrows on the displaced thresholds
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2011, 03:04:02 pm »
Quick question, if I buy KLAX today will the "fix" be included in the download or will I still have to do it separately? Can't wait to get it!



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Re: FIX for Double arrows on the displaced thresholds
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2011, 03:12:29 pm »
As usual, whenever we have a fix, we always include it in the regular installer as soon as possible, since the installer works as a Trial version, we obviously want to have it as good as possible.

It should be up in an hour or so, and the installer will read 1.2.1, compared to the 1.2 of the first FS9 release.


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Re: FIX for Double arrows on the displaced thresholds
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2011, 04:55:45 pm »
Umberto, grazie mille!  :)

Somehow I was sure you would solve the problem in less than a day.
You have gained one more happy cutomer today.

All the best to you and thank you for your outstanding sceneries.
I hope you will make something European again.
i7 7700k 4.2GHz, GTX 1080Ti, Asus MAXIMUS 9 FORMULA, 32 GB RAM DDR4, WD40EFRX 4TB, SSD 850 EVO 1TB, SSD 850 EVO 250GB, LG 34UM68-P 34" ultrawide monitor, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, MSFS2020


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Re: FIX for Double arrows on the displaced thresholds
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2011, 03:49:17 am »
HI guys for those of us who still run FS 9 we need to understand that FS 9 is really not a big prioty to the developers everyone is doing scenry for fs X I never understood the big whoppee about fs x  fsx is very much not a simulation game but a comical piece of crap LOL. Everybody knows it but for FS 9 we just need to hold on there were be other developers who will creat scenry just for us. I think FSdreamteam did a great job for FSX with LAX but I just purchased it for FS 9 Bad horrible frame rate when i click on LAX to inter FS 9 The scnery takes abut 20 to 25 seconds before it even appears WOW. I have  a 4000 dollar gaming system I purchased from Jetline systems. I just believe FS9 scenery will not be in FS dreamteam intrest just like aerosoft saying that Flight sim X product sales more then FS 2004 we all need to relax because wonder what is really going to happen when Microsoft flight comes out we will soon see what will happened...and I can say it will not be about FSX anymore :)


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Re: FIX for Double arrows on the displaced thresholds
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2011, 08:15:36 pm »
If you really own a 4000$ system and can't run KLAX on FS9 well, I suggest to complain with those that configure it because, as was clearly proven by several other people in this forum, KLAX for FS9 runs very well, considering its size and its complexity.

So, you should ask to the people that sold you that monster system, why people with far less capable systems than yours, are getting very good performances and you don't:

For example, here:

A comment on Avsim here:
I have tried KLAX and just purchased it. Great add-on. I have my frame rate locked at 50 and have not gone any lower than 39 with the PSS/JF 757. Most of the time the rates are in the mid 40's or higher. This includes taxi, takeoff, circle, and landing. I am VERY pleased. My spec are in my sig.

Another here:
Frame rates are the same as the old Cloud9 on my system (i7 920 @3.2GHz, GTX260 Graphics, 6 GBytes RAM, Win7 x64 Pro); FSDT KORD is a bigger hit.

This is how it runs on my 2.66 ghz Mac with a 512MB ATI 4870:

This is how it runs on my LAPTOP ( Core 2 Duo 2.83 ghz, 512 MB Nvidia GT9600 M ):

Another user in the Screenshots forum, 30 fps with AI too:

Another user here:
I noticed that when loading this scenery, it is much faster than Cloud9. I have LAX as my FS9 startup scenery
The frame rate is almost or even faster than Cloud9.