FS9 support > Los Angeles support FS9

KLAX for FS9 released

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Amazing for Sure...I'm getting 30.1 Fps...with 100% woai, enb series REX overdrive, Rain and overcast all sliders max including aircraft shadows.  Amazing work...thank you again

Thank you guys!!!! That's awesome!!!!

--- Quote from: virtuali ---It will only depends on sales for the FS9 version (which can be easily monitored now, since we already passed the initial sales spike for FSX), there are no politics at play here, just sales...

--- End quote ---

I already have all FSDT sceneries and you'll have my money for the FS9 version of any future scenery. And I'm sure I'm not the only one here.

Yes...5 years in waiting.

Thank you, FSDT.

PS. Now, after almost a month of FSX release, you'll be able to see TRUE activity of FS2004 downloads and evaluate your TRUE FS2004 market.

Keep in mind that some FS9 users already have the cloud9 version and won't buy this new version.... On the contrary, there was no alternate for KLAX if you use FSX. So the KLAX sales won't match the sales they could have for a brand new airport, never made before for FS9.

c9 KLAX is 5.5 years old. It's like saying in 2006 - don't buy c9 KLAX, becasue there is Simflyers version of KLAX.


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