As Iv'e said, it has nothing to do with our products, the activation, or the OS the run under. It's a specific problem of some PMDG airplane which contains non-standard commands according to .INI file rules, that confuses the parser that needs to check the aircraft.cfg to get things like contact points for the ParkMe/Pushback.
We only needed to make our module more resilient against those errors, if you download the Stand-Alone Addon Manager again now, we already updated it.
In this specific case, there were SOME PMDG liveries, like the 737NGX Neos, that had their "description" field wrongly formatted:
description=Boeing 737-800 powered by CFM engines v 1.0\nPMDG
Simulations\ \n\nProduced under license
from Boeing Management Company.\n\nBoeing 737, 737-800, 737-900 &
Boeing are among the trademarks owned by Boeing.
This is not correct, the description should be all in a single line, like this:
description=Boeing 737-800 powered by CFM engines v 1.0\nPMDG Simulations\ \n\nProduced under license from Boeing Management Company.\n\nBoeing 737, 737-800, 737-900 & Boeing are among the trademarks owned by Boeing.
Since an .INI file can only begin with a blank line, a comment or a key, it can't contain just text from a previous line. FSX will probably skip the wrong lines and display just the first one, we simply had to update our parser to do the same and not be confused by it.