For info I have run SiSoft Sandra and saved the file in .TXT format (attached).
Previously I was running FSX using a MatroxTriplehead2Go display splitter driving 3 x Hanns G 19" wide screen TFT monitors in landscape orientation. OK but not good.
I then saw a display running 3 monitors in portrait and that was it. My Birthday and Christmas presents were rolled into 1 spending spree. I have changed the PSU to 800W to support the new Sapphire FLEX HD 6770 graphics card which is running AMD Eyefinity software. (I went to an exhibition in London to find out which card would be right).
The key is the FLEX card which has 2 x DVI ports, 1 x HDMI and 1 x DP , it seems to have been adapted so that the HDMI port will support a DVI output; a special adapter / connection comes in the box. For info on the card please see
I am told that only Flex cards have this adaption.
There is also an Eyefinity set up video at [ Invalid YouTube link ] which is very useful.
The thing I find amazing is that by using the 3 monitors the cockpit seems to be big enough that I feel as if I am sitting in it. Using the "+" and "-" keys I can set the viewpoint so I can see all of what I need to see both inside the cockpit and out of the window so the feeling is very lifelike.
I would not go back to landscape mode ever again.
(I also have a NetBook running FlightSim Commander which is connected by ethernet to my FSX PC. This runs the separate monitor visible in the top right of the picture.)
I hope this helps, if you have any more questions please contact me.