Author Topic: No demo, buildings,addon manager.  (Read 8852 times)


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No demo, buildings,addon manager.
« on: April 25, 2010, 09:24:10 pm »
I have DL PHNL for FSX, installed(went fine) but no demo, buildings and addon manager.
I read the forum, uninstalled it, reinstalled according to to your recommandations (no AV aso) but no luck.
Tried ZurichX, same result. When I start FSX I had to admit Virtuali is safe.So everything seems oke.Tried PHNL for FS9, everything is oke.(Demo, looks good).
I see an entry in exe.xml.
Any idea what went wrong?


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Re: No demo, buildings,addon manager.
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2010, 10:01:25 am »
It's not enough to just turn off the antivirus when installing, you should also configure it to exclude the following files:


You should have seen two different request to trust the modules: one for the Addon Mananger, and the other from the Couatl script engine. And you should have two entries added: one in the EXE.XML (couatl.exe) and another in the DLL.XML (bglmanx.dll).


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Re: No demo, buildings,addon manager.
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2010, 06:14:53 pm »
First, thanks for your quick response.

I had excluded the two files, that's what I found in the forum.
And indeed I had two different requests to trust modules. They are both in the "trusted" list in FSX.CFG.
I checked the two entries in exe.xml and dll.xml as you described. That's oke too.
So, everything looks oke, but still no result.
What can I check more?


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Re: No demo, buildings,addon manager.
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2010, 11:07:49 pm »
you can try to activate the Simconnect diagnostic mode, this way:

Open notepad, and copy the following text:

Code: [Select]
; file=c:\simconnect%03u.log
; file_next_index=0
; file_max_index=9

Save the file as SIMCONNECT.INI in this folder:

Documents And Settings\YOUR LOGIN NAME\Documents\Microsoft Flight Simulator X Files

At the next FSX launch, you should see a text window with diagnostic message, that should tell you what's going wrong. Let me know what you are getting, so we can have an idea what's happening.


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Re: No demo, buildings,addon manager.
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2010, 11:14:31 pm »
This is the result you asking for.

0.00000 SimConnect version 10.0.61259.0

0.04122 Server: Scope=local, Protocol=Pipe, Name=\\.\pipe\Microsoft Flight Simul
ator\SimConnect, MaxClients=64
0.17009 Server: Scope=local, Protocol=IPv4, Address=, Port=1052, MaxCli

10.98403 Exe Launch Failed:  GetLastError=0x000036B1  Path="fsdreamteam\couatl\c
ouatl.exe"  CommandLine=""
11.20837 Panels data export found and set to 20B319D8
11.28170 DLL Loaded:  Path="K:\Program Files\Discover!\FSDiscoverFSX.dll"  Versi
11.32110 DLL Failed to load. Check for missing dependencies.
11.32135 DLL Load Failed:  Error=-3  Path="Modules\b21_vario\b21_vario.dll"
11.58065 Panels data export found and set to 20B319D8
13.15520 DLL Loaded:  Path="Modules\FSUIPC4.dll"  Version=""
13.20652 DLL Failed to load. Check for missing dependencies.
13.20665 DLL Load Failed:  Error=-3  Path="bglmanx.dll"

I hope it says something, I can only see there is a DLL load failure, error= -3 whatever that is.


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Re: No demo, buildings,addon manager.
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2010, 12:46:59 am »
I hope it says something, I can only see there is a DLL load failure, error= -3 whatever that is.

There's not just ONE .DLL load failure, there's a whole set of them. Basically, ALL your modules seems to have errors:

Couatl is failing because of missing dependencies, ok the error code is not -3, but just because this is an exe. That different error code, basically means the same thing.
10.98403 Exe Launch Failed:  GetLastError=0x000036B1  Path="fsdreamteam\couatl\couatl.exe"  CommandLine=""

FSDiscoverFSX.dll failed to load as well, also for missing dependecies.
11.28170 DLL Loaded:  Path="K:\Program Files\Discover!\FSDiscoverFSX.dll"  Version=""
11.32110 DLL Failed to load. Check for missing dependencies.

The b21_vario.dll failed to load as well, also for missing dependecies:
11.32135 DLL Load Failed:  Error=-3  Path="Modules\b21_vario\b21_vario.dll"

And the Addon Manager (bglmanx.dll), failed to load for the same reason:
13.20652 DLL Failed to load. Check for missing dependencies.
13.20665 DLL Load Failed:  Error=-3  Path="bglmanx.dll"

So, your problem doesn't have anything to do with the Addon Manager but, most probably, something has gone wrong in your FSX installation, because all modules are failing.

Try first to install the MS Visual C++ Redistributable:

If this doesn't work, perhaps it's your Simconnect installation that has been corrupted. If this is the case, you can try this:

- Uninstall FSX SP1 and SP2 (or Acceleration )

- Go to your Windows folder, usually C:\Windows, then the folder WinSxS. So, you should be inside the C:\Windows\WinSxS now, assuming you have installed Windows in the default folder.

- Find a folder named like this, and REMOVE IT:


- Reinstall FSX SP1, then SP2 (or Acceleration)


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Re: No demo, buildings,addon manager.
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2010, 12:32:05 pm »
At last! Reinstall Accelerator was the trick!
Many thanks for your help, because otherwise I couldn't repair it. I thought my FSX was 100% oke, didn't notice any problems.
Thanks again.


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Re: No demo, buildings,addon manager.
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2011, 08:32:48 pm »
I'm unable to delete the folder. How can i fix that?


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Re: No demo, buildings,addon manager.
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2011, 09:15:28 pm »
I'm unable to delete the folder. How can i fix that?

You might need to boot Windows in safe mode, or you might try to repair your FSX installation.