That made a world of difference. Thank you cmpbllsjc!!!!!!!!!
Makes me wonder if anyone else expreiences this. If so I hope they read this.
Glad to see that fixed it for you.

Makes me wonder if anyone else expreiences this. If so I hope they read this.
I think a few people have mentioned it prior. No need for them to see this message though, the instuctions for setup are in the PDF that comes with the airport and it states that you need to have that boxed check.
Here are more tips quoted from Umberto.
In order to enjoy the scenery at its fullest, we suggest the following:
• Keep the “Mesh Resolution” slider at 5m/pixel, and the “Mesh Complexity” slider
at 100. With less resolution, some visual problems might appear.
• If you have an ATI video card, don’t use the “Adaptive Antialiasing” feature,
because it will cause visual problems on the ground.
• Due to the technique used, there might be some areas of the scenery that don’t
show the user airplane shadow correctly, this is normal, and it only happen in a
few places.
• Late in the afternoon, or early down, the Shader effects on the ground are more
visible, since the sunlight comes from an angle that makes the Bump mapping
and Specular mapping used on the concrete more apparent.
• On your Video Card control panel, set the “Anisotropic Filter” to 8x or 16x, don’t
use the default “Application Controlled” setting
• IMPORTANT - On the Addon Manager menu, be sure you have the “Force HD
Textures” option ENABLED! This is very important in order to enjoy the scenery at
its full quality, since it enables the usage of 4096x4096 texture resolution, which
is how most of the textures in the scenery were designed for.