Author Topic: White center line rwy lights  (Read 5370 times)


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White center line rwy lights
« on: September 18, 2011, 08:57:27 pm »
The white center line lights on the runway 25R (not sure on other ones) when viewed from the side say when looking towards the runway while on a paralle taxi way look raised up in the air in a flat one-dimensional view....very unrealistic. No other lights (blue edge, green taxi) do this.


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Re: White center line rwy lights
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2011, 10:05:26 pm »
I don't like the final effect very much too, although it's not really unrealistic, since runway lights are not normally supposed to be omnidirectional, unless they have to provide circling guidance for an eventual visual approach procedure from a side, which is not the case at KLAX.

I'm not entirely sure how they are at KLAX but in general, if there's no need for omnidirectionality, there's probably a lens on each light which create the effect of seeing them clearly and large only when approaching, and progressively smaller at higher viewing angles.

To better simulate the effect, we might probably have to add a smaller version of the light angled a 90 degress with the main one, which of course means doubling the polygon count for the lights, we can surely try, hoping the fps impact wouldn't be noticeable.


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Re: White center line rwy lights
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2011, 10:29:07 pm »
Thanks Umberto. Maybe if you all don't like what the new technique does for frames, make it an optional d/l?