Author Topic: Hold short lines and others  (Read 5874 times)


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Hold short lines and others
« on: September 17, 2011, 03:44:52 am »
Just brought it and it's awesome!

The thing that annoys me is that you have to zoom in to 0.40 (sometimes .50) to view the flashing lights, extra lines, taxiway model lights, hold short lines etc. Plus I don't even see a FPS impact.
I prefer to use the normal 0.30 zoom because it looks right (for me anyway). Is there a way to change this for the next fix or service pack?
« Last Edit: September 17, 2011, 03:47:42 am by NZEddy »


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Re: Hold short lines and others
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2011, 10:18:28 am »
I prefer to use the normal 0.30 zoom because it looks right (for me anyway). Is there a way to change this for the next fix or service pack?

"Normal" 0.30 Zoom ? A zoom level so wide will alter the view considerably, which also affect the perception of height speed. It's common knowledge the most realistic zoom level going from about 0.55 to 0.75, if you want to know about the theory behind, here's a thorough explanation:

And here's a shorter version, more relevant to FSX:

Because of this, we optimized the scenery LODs levels to be always visible in-cockpit at at least 0.70. They might be visible at wider settings (like you said they are), but not everywhere. So, if you find places were you can't see all the lines and details at 0.70, please report them, because we'll fix them but, other than that, not having all the details visible at extremely wide settings like 0.30, it's just how the scenery was designed to be.

And, btw, all our sceneries were always made like this, because they use LODs levels a lot to optimize performances.


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Re: Hold short lines and others
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2011, 12:28:56 pm »
Ok, thanks for that.