Author Topic: LAX  (Read 128416 times)


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« Reply #90 on: September 17, 2011, 10:27:23 am »
Would FSDT be open to a compromise with concessions from both sides (FSDT and FS9 customers)?

What if you agreed to remodel KLAX for FS9, even if it will take some time, with the agreement and clear statement that from here on, there will be no more FS9 versions for ANY future product.

Sorry, no. If it will take too much time, it wouldn't be commercially feasible anymore, because with the few FS9 users left (they are not growing, they are less and less every day), we could spend the time needed to do another product.

So, it will be either a short conversion or there will be no conversion at all. Right NOW, with the established knowledge, a fast conversion is not possible, because the FS9 scenery compiler simply can't take the amount of polygons we used at KLAX (we even have troubles with the FSX compiler, even if its limit is much larger), and will surely look a lot more blurred, because FS9 has 4x less the resolution.

BUT, as I've said, we might find a way to it anyway, possibly by writing new tools that do not exists right now, which means if we manage to do it, we could even continue to support FS9 indefinitely, of course with crippled versions of the sceneries, since they weren't *designed* to look good on both sims, we are only targeting FSX right now so, we don't restrain anymore (like we used to do) to apply design methods that would only look good in FSX.

Frank Lindberg

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« Reply #91 on: September 17, 2011, 10:47:00 am »
It's not true Umberto, there are still plenty of fs9 users of there.  :(
VA. Senior Captain Frank Lindberg
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« Reply #92 on: September 17, 2011, 11:35:49 am »
It's not true Umberto, there are still plenty of fs9 users of there.  :(
Not since the NGX was released, and now KLAX, your argument is starting to take on water, might be time for you to bail out. FS2004 is near 10 years old, FSX is 6 years old.

MS Flight is not guranteed to be released, Train sim version 2 was canned half way through developement, MS Flight could very well go the same way, regardless of the cost.

So FSX could fit into the same argument in a few years down the track, when it is too, 10 years old ?

I have read some really rude posts on this forum re this issue of an fs9 version of KLAX, and quite honestly, some of it has been childish, and  disgusting. Stomping on your toys is not going to change the fact, that one day, yes, one day, addons for fs9 will slow to a crawl, that is the way it is.


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« Reply #93 on: September 17, 2011, 11:50:00 am »
First of all, FSDT: thanks for the great addon! I just did my first flight out of KLAX and I was amazed but the amount of detail. Awesome job!

Personally I changed to FSX in January last year after the 2nd generation Intel i-core processors came out. Despite the performance loss of FSX compared to FS9 I am truly satisfied with FSX and I surely wouldn't want to miss all the new addons that came out and are more and more for FSX only. PMDG's 737NGX to start with.

I suggest you FS9 guys stop nagging. You can't stick with a 10 year old simulator forever and expect FSX to run smooth on your 4-year old rigs. Time goes on, as does technology and we have to accept that sometimes you have to invest in hard- and software to keep up with our hobby. I'm 30 years old now and I've been playing with FS since I was 8. It's never been different ever since.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2011, 11:51:35 am by markjans »


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« Reply #94 on: September 17, 2011, 11:55:11 am »
Hello all,

For me, it's not a question of age but a question of how much money I have invested in FS9 and of course of all the still existing performance problems in FSX. Why should I change to FSX and invest a huge amount of time and money to bring it to the same level that I currently have with a perfect running FS9?

In the past, I bought all FS9 sceneries from FSDT but there will be no way that I change to FSX - I simply see no reason for it. I fully understand Umberto's arguments and it's clear that FSDT wants to be focused on sceneries with which they can earn money but I am not so sure if there are really so few FS9 users left (I assume that many useres are flying with FS9 and FSX). Of course Umberto knows the sales figures but even thinking economically, I would be very careful to stop programming FS9 sceneries because even other big companies like Aerosoft are still producing sceneries for FS9 and I think that they are not less profit-oriented than FSDT.


Bruce Hamilton

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« Reply #95 on: September 17, 2011, 01:59:09 pm »
I would be very careful to stop programming FS9 sceneries because even other big companies like Aerosoft are still producing sceneries for FS9 and I think that they are not less profit-oriented than FSDT.

For starters, Aerosoft doesn't put the detail of FSDT into their sceneries... they are also more of a retailer than developer, they sell other developer's software.  If Umberto wants to stop supporting FS9, that's his right.  If that stops you from doing business with him, that's your right.

As for your argument about having too much money invested in FS9, I don't know of too many "FS9 Only" sceneries out there, just about all of them have been done for FSX as well and 99% of retailers will give you both copies for one price.  You're just being stubborn because Virtuali may not give you your LAX.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2011, 02:05:07 pm by Bruce Hamilton »
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« Reply #96 on: September 17, 2011, 02:19:37 pm »
Purchased this using the $9 discount and I can say that I'm stunned on how easy it is on FPS. Simply amazing guys  :)


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« Reply #97 on: September 17, 2011, 03:22:51 pm »
 ;D ;D ;D FSDT!!!
Why did you do 4096x4096 textures? You lost ability to convert scenery to FS9... So, you made quality product, but you lost many customers. ??? Strange management.


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« Reply #98 on: September 17, 2011, 03:23:09 pm »
Well, I do also understand, that FSDT moves on to FSX only. For me it is the same as for many of the remaining FS9 users. I just spent to much money in upgrading my FS9 with various stuff, if I imagine how long it takes and how much money I would need to push a FSX installation anywhere near the current FS9 installation I have, I instantly get sick. I would need a new rig and rebuy many of the sceneries not offered for both FS9 and FSX at the same time. So, that's a no go for me at the moment.
However, I am sure that people underestimate the amount of remaining FS9 users, I am sure FSDT will realize it as soon as they start to evaluate the success of the KLAX scenery. In regard of this, maybe it will be suddenly again worth while to convert as well KLAX back to FS9, we will see...
To be honest, I don't yet believe in MS Flight. I am not planning with this sim unless its out and properly reviewed by some people. Actually I fear that it will be a similar desaster as FSX, with only being properly playable in about 5 years... so long, waiting for the FS9 LSZH 2.0 Upgrade now  ;D

Frank Lindberg

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« Reply #99 on: September 17, 2011, 04:40:28 pm »
;D ;D ;D FSDT!!!
Why did you do 4096x4096 textures? You lost ability to convert scenery to FS9... So, you made quality product, but you lost many customers. ??? Strange management.

I think they used 4096x4096 textures so it looks better and gets better fps. BTW fsdt don't care about us fs9 users  :-[ they are like PMDG... so sad.  :'(
VA. Senior Captain Frank Lindberg
"United we stand and divided we fall"
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Frank Lindberg

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« Reply #100 on: September 17, 2011, 05:01:57 pm »
Well, I do also understand, that FSDT moves on to FSX only. For me it is the same as for many of the remaining FS9 users. I just spent to much money in upgrading my FS9 with various stuff, if I imagine how long it takes and how much money I would need to push a FSX installation anywhere near the current FS9 installation I have, I instantly get sick. I would need a new rig and rebuy many of the sceneries not offered for both FS9 and FSX at the same time. So, that's a no go for me at the moment.
However, I am sure that people underestimate the amount of remaining FS9 users, I am sure FSDT will realize it as soon as they start to evaluate the success of the KLAX scenery. In regard of this, maybe it will be suddenly again worth while to convert as well KLAX back to FS9, we will see...
To be honest, I don't yet believe in MS Flight. I am not planning with this sim unless its out and properly reviewed by some people. Actually I fear that it will be a similar desaster as FSX, with only being properly playable in about 5 years... so long, waiting for the FS9 LSZH 2.0 Upgrade now  ;D

I do think that MS had learned a lot from FSX, how to make it better, with a new texture engine and it will be using 64 bit systems. FSX/9 only use 32 bit.  Because I fly fs9, does not mean that hate new tech. No, but will not invest my money in something that sucks BIG time like FSX. I'll wait for MS flight. 
VA. Senior Captain Frank Lindberg
"United we stand and divided we fall"
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« Reply #101 on: September 17, 2011, 05:39:34 pm »
I think they used 4096x4096 textures so it looks better and gets better fps. BTW fsdt don't care about us fs9 users  :-[ they are like PMDG... so sad.  :'(

Really dude, stop the melodramatic prose. Umberto, don't even dignify this guys posts with a response. Dude, get over yourself and leave. Go whine somewhere else with your drama-laced drivel.


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« Reply #102 on: September 17, 2011, 05:44:29 pm »
Moderation, please.

Frank Lindberg

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« Reply #103 on: September 17, 2011, 05:46:30 pm »
Sorry Umberto, but he was provoking me  >:(
VA. Senior Captain Frank Lindberg
"United we stand and divided we fall"
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« Reply #104 on: September 17, 2011, 06:18:37 pm »
MS Flight is not guranteed to be released, Train sim version 2 was canned half way through developement, MS Flight could very well go the same way, regardless of the cost.

Don't expect that.  Flight is certainly farther in development than half-way.  At this point, it wouldn't make economic sense to can the develop. ;)