Author Topic: LAX  (Read 128415 times)


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« Reply #75 on: September 17, 2011, 01:33:27 am »
Well, another customer dropping out here. I fully understand the explanation, why KLAX is not really feasable to be converted for FS9. There's nothing to argue about. I am just sad, as I was hoping you could make it work.

Sooner or later I'm going to get the FS9 sceneries of yours, which I still have on my to-purchase-list (KFLL, KDFW), but from then on, it looks like my time as a customer will come to an end, for an undetermined time.

I enjoy all your other FS9 sceneries a lot, they are simply the best. Thanks FSDT team for all your dedication and hard work, its appreciated!



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« Reply #76 on: September 17, 2011, 01:41:21 am »
  Well said. For me, waaaay too much $$$ invested in FS9 to changeover to FSX, with "Flight" on the horizon. I also understand, it's just a business decision...nothing more...nothing less. I guess there are just not enough of us FS9 ers left. I can't imagine many more "converts" switching from FS9 to FSX with Flight coming however.  :(



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« Reply #77 on: September 17, 2011, 01:43:34 am »
And another loyal customer that has bought all your scenery walking away as I will mot be wasting any money on a platform that can do less than the one I have invested long and good luck maybe well do buisness in the future again....very sad though ???


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« Reply #78 on: September 17, 2011, 02:24:32 am »
Then again, re-reading I see that Virtuali did not yet say 100% that it would not be done for FS9.. I know there is not much faith it will be done, but one can always hope for one last scenery..


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« Reply #79 on: September 17, 2011, 02:25:42 am »
My computer can run FSX just fine. I stick with FS9 because I have bought so many add on's I don't want to have to start over with FSX. With all the add on's I have my FS9 can look just as good as FSX plus it runs great! And there are still add on's that I don't have for FS9.


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« Reply #80 on: September 17, 2011, 03:05:51 am »
WOW! This has to be the best FSDT airport for FSX! Absolutely amazing. Thankyou very much.  ;D ;)


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« Reply #81 on: September 17, 2011, 03:12:28 am »

Well here are my PC specs. I7 960 stock, 570GTX, 74Gig Raptor drive for Windows 7, 300 gig Velociraptor for FSX only, 1 T for storage Barracuda drive, 6 gigs of 1600 3 channel ram, 24" LG monitor. I followed Nick' system set up for my whole OS and FSX. I have the following addons running every time I fly  my PMDG 737 NGX, REX, ASE, Megascenery, UT2 at 100% airliner traffic. I run KLAS(FSDT) or KSFO(FlightB) around 20-24 FPS very smooth. While on VC and when I am up in the cruise I average 30-40 FPS. This is more that sufficient and extremly smooth.

I would say your system is not optimized and you should really look into maybe following Nick's guide.

I wonder if the people running FS9 are still using Cassett tapes also? or VHS...


I think you are missing the point. Don't want to go off-topic, but for me 100% AI represents up to date, realistic traffic, with 1500 airlines installed and almost double the flights comparing to UT2. Also means I don't have to look at a Rolls Royce powered Air France A330 or a FS98 quality Embraer 145 while taxi on my brand spanking new KLAX (demo only).

A smooth FS experience means that I don't have to worry if my flight arrives at dusk or sunrise, if there are heavy clouds at my destination. For the guys with 30 fps at KJFK with 100% AI, I would like to know what are your numbers under these conditions.

I have tried to move to FSX several times, but it all came to the same ending. Tried every trick and tip in the book. I've always returned to FS9. I don't ask people to agree, I just ask them to respect a different opinion and stop whining why FSX is so much better. For many it is, for some (apparently) it isn't.

Again, enjoy KLAX, it seems a wonderfull and optimized scenery, just a shame that FS9 was left out.

And please, most, if not all current FS9 users come from FS98 age or earlier, and happily moved on to the newest sim versions as they were made available. But not FSX.


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« Reply #82 on: September 17, 2011, 03:36:31 am »
Those who says "I'm not longer your customer" must understand how stupid your words sound. LAGO and Virtualli started in the years when some of you weren't born. I had a privilege to be one of their early customers. And they're still alive and well.

I totally understand and respect FSDT decision to abandon FS2004 version of KLAX and I hope we will meet again when MF will hit the market. For me it's not a question of money for hardware (even though I hate the idea of overclocking), but rather the fact that FSX has nothing new to provide for comprehensive simmer comparing with FS2004 in general

Good luck FSDT and I hope it's not the end.
i7-6700k@4.6Ghz, Z170 Delux, 980Ti-6GB5700, 2TB EVO850, 16GB DDR4 RAM Win7/64 PRO.


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« Reply #83 on: September 17, 2011, 03:59:50 am »
You Dissapoint me Greatly... I am now balancing whether to buy all your FS9 Sceneries for this... Give me a badass Super FSX Computer for under 1000$ and we'll talk but FS2004 has greater limits IMO... If I ever got this for my FSX (Which runs like a DUMP) it would turn into Microsoft Powerpoint... I can run at a care free-no lag Setup for FS2004 with MAX world traffic and with REX, etc. and it feels like FSX... so for a couple of year I will NEVER Buy a product from you for a loooong time.

Goodbye. Please delete your forum account on the way out.

Made my laugh so hard Eric... :D :D

Wow ???

Are there soo many FS9 users out there? They must have really budget PC's to not want run FSX. since must of them run fs9 because their systems can't run FSX.  What a shame because the PMDG 737NGX does not compare to the FS9 version from their old 737's. I support FSDt for their cosideration to FS9 but I am glad or hope they stay away from going back in technology instead of forward. to me FSx is to FS9 what Windows XP is to Windows 7.

Best regards.

Thank you



FSX was released 5 years ago!.

I've been through 2 computer upgrades since then and currently run an i7 @ 4,2 Ghz with a GTX 480 card, SSD disks and 6 GB of fast tripple channel RAM. Still no FSX for me.

I'm not willing to trade-off the smoothness of FS9 loaded with 100% AI, complex addons and weather for some eye candy. Show me a PC configuration that is able to run FSX in these conditions with high FPS in complex airports like KLAX and i'll switch to FSX in a heartbeat. You know what? It doensn't exist.

So please have some respect for users that have different views and priorities. You prefer to fly to mega hubs with 10 planes parked? OK, no problem, your call.

Very disappointing decision from FSDT, if KLAX FS9 is dead on arrival, please have a moment to consider those who were left behind, and supported the company throughout. We were even willing to accept a lower quality port, with fake bridges and so on. The 10$ Zurich discount should be made available for other FS9 sceneries.

And congratulations on KLAX, it looks great and runs better than most airport addons in FSX.

Well here are my PC specs. I7 960 stock, 570GTX, 74Gig Raptor drive for Windows 7, 300 gig Velociraptor for FSX only, 1 T for storage Barracuda drive, 6 gigs of 1600 3 channel ram, 24" LG monitor. I followed Nick' system set up for my whole OS and FSX. I have the following addons running every time I fly  my PMDG 737 NGX, REX, ASE, Megascenery, UT2 at 100% airliner traffic. I run KLAS(FSDT) or KSFO(FlightB) around 20-24 FPS very smooth. While on VC and when I am up in the cruise I average 30-40 FPS. This is more that sufficient and extremly smooth.

I would say your system is not optimized and you should really look into maybe following Nick's guide.

I wonder if the people running FS9 are still using Cassett tapes also? or VHS...


I have the same pc specs, but the i7 960 overcloked to 4,2. With bojote tweaks, in default Atlanta I get 7-10 frames with UT2 100%. So, or your are magician, or you play FSX without shadows and 1024x768 screen resolution without FSAA.

FS9 has been released in Fall 2003, which means it us 8 years old. In 8 years the performance of PCs have increased a lot, while cost went down. I guess after 8 years it is time to invest into the latest generation which is FSX, which itself is already 5 years old. I really do not understand the complains. Forget about FS9 now.

So what??? it's still one of best simulator ever. It's crazy to convert to fsx now.  >:( When MS flight is right around the corner.  

It's crazy in your opinion to convert now..and only your opinion. So because you chose not to convert and because now that you have waited so long that another version is on the horizon, it is now somehow FSDT's responsibility to keep producing FS9 scenery for you??? What is arrogant is users that feel that they are entitled to endless scenery production from companies for an outdated platform. That's like yelling at the music industry for not making 8-track tapes because you have chosen not to update your vehicle's audio system...same premise.

You are a noob. I have been flying FS since 98. FSX sucks so much, the worst simulator ever. I did give FSX a chance but I switch to fs9 again, due to horrible FPS.  >:(

I fully agree

After 5-6 year of FSX, many users ( use fs9 yet. Its the first time in all fs history that after five or six years with the lastest sim version available, a lot of simmers use the old sim version. FSX is a complete failure (microsoft close ACES after FSX :D), with a nice graphics, the real deal for kids.

Sorry for my bad english


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« Reply #84 on: September 17, 2011, 05:38:52 am »

Please leave if thats what you want to post. Your useless comments make me sick and want to vomit. At lease some FS9ers here can politely accept that FSDT is moving forward and dropping the older sim because of the limitations.

Anyway, the holidays are not THAAAAAT far away (:D) and I might have to get this for an early gift....
« Last Edit: September 17, 2011, 05:40:50 am by Ethan744N763 »


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« Reply #85 on: September 17, 2011, 05:48:09 am »
Those who says "I'm not longer your customer" must understand how stupid your words sound. LAGO and Virtualli started in the years when some of you weren't born. I had a privilege to be one of their early customers. And they're still alive and well.

I totally understand and respect FSDT decision to abandon FS2004 version of KLAX and I hope we will meet again when MF will hit the market. For me it's not a question of money for hardware (even though I hate the idea of overclocking), but rather the fact that FSX has nothing new to provide for comprehensive simmer comparing with FS2004 in general

Good luck FSDT and I hope it's not the end.

Dimon, please correct your words. Umberto is not abandoning FS9. They are looking for a way. If it can't be done... Then it can't be done and should not be construed as abandonment. I myself am a Die Hard FS9 fan. Not because my computer can't run FSX at optimal settings or because of the thousands invested in FS9. It's because I simply don't like the feel of it. The look is okay but it feels like a game and thats another reason why so many have not made the switch. I am glad FSDT is making the effort and I am sure they will go over every possibility for an FS9 version. Thank you team. If in the end you can't, then thank you for all the many hours I have had and will continue to have with existing FS9 LAGO, Cloud9, and FSDT products. I am however, hopeful.  ;)


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« Reply #86 on: September 17, 2011, 06:20:27 am »
Looks great! Sadly, I am also another one that looks like my days as a FSDT customer are over  :-[ I will remain hopeful and keep checking back here though.


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« Reply #87 on: September 17, 2011, 07:37:39 am »
fsDREAM TEAM Eh? looks like the take our dreams and smash them into little shards... FSX's game engine makes me want to curl up and vomit everywhere!!!
Man, you need to seek medical attention. That is the worst garbage i have ever seen posted on a forum. For pity sake, "logout" and don't come back.


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« Reply #88 on: September 17, 2011, 07:47:33 am »

Is it safe to say that 99% there will be no FS2004 version? Is it final and if it's not when do you expect a decision on that?


PS. FS2004 is not about age, not about hardware, but about the things that some people do not understand. I'm too lazy to explain it again. It's like talking with a redneck about french wine.

That's funny!!!
Moe Works


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« Reply #89 on: September 17, 2011, 10:12:43 am »

Would FSDT be open to a compromise with concessions from both sides (FSDT and FS9 customers)?

What if you agreed to remodel KLAX for FS9, even if it will take some time, with the agreement and clear statement that from here on, there will be no more FS9 versions for ANY future product.

I've been here for years and I've seen all the arguments.  I think no matter what, there will be people who no longer purchase from FSDT after you switch to FSX only.  I myself may be included in that group as I have not yet switched to FSX and I'm not sure if I want to yet.  

However, I think what pisses people off SO much is the fact that throughout the entire LONG development of KLAX, no decision was ever made either way, which always left open the hope that us FS9'ers will be able to get this scenery in an FS9 version.  And then, on the day of the FSX release, we suddenly, after all this time, get the news that there likely won't be a scenery for us.  

I know you said a long time ago nothing was certain and I know you said it's still not decided now.  But the fact that even us FS9 users waited so long and held out hope, only to just now be brutally disappointed, makes it worse.  

So, again, what if you went ahead and bit the bullet and agreed to convert it to FS9 (whatever that process requires) and us FS9 users will bite the bullet with the agreement and understanding that any new sceneries developed in the future will be for FSX only?
« Last Edit: September 17, 2011, 10:16:16 am by Aeroman »
Best regards,

Ryan Cummins
Dallas/Fort Worth Int'l. Hub
American Virtual Airlines
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