Author Topic: LAX  (Read 128457 times)


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« Reply #45 on: September 16, 2011, 09:12:47 pm »


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« Reply #46 on: September 16, 2011, 09:13:39 pm »
Thank you for KLAX I love it so far and have only owned it for 10 minutes! Job well done  ;D


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« Reply #47 on: September 16, 2011, 09:15:40 pm »
Wow ???

Are there soo many FS9 users out there? They must have really budget PC's to not want run FSX. since must of them run fs9 because their systems can't run FSX.  What a shame because the PMDG 737NGX does not compare to the FS9 version from their old 737's. I support FSDt for their cosideration to FS9 but I am glad or hope they stay away from going back in technology instead of forward. to me FSx is to FS9 what Windows XP is to Windows 7.

Best regards.

Thank you




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« Reply #48 on: September 16, 2011, 09:20:38 pm »
downloading woo, but stuck at work arrgghh  :P

Frank Lindberg

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« Reply #49 on: September 16, 2011, 09:32:27 pm »
If you don't make LAX for fs9  :-[ can you a least update cloud9' version of LAX... please. 
VA. Senior Captain Frank Lindberg
"United we stand and divided we fall"
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« Reply #50 on: September 16, 2011, 09:39:17 pm »
You Dissapoint me Greatly... I am now balancing whether to buy all your FS9 Sceneries for this... Give me a badass Super FSX Computer for under 1000$ and we'll talk but FS2004 has greater limits IMO... If I ever got this for my FSX (Which runs like a DUMP) it would turn into Microsoft Powerpoint... I can run at a care free-no lag Setup for FS2004 with MAX world traffic and with REX, etc. and it feels like FSX... so for a couple of year I will NEVER Buy a product from you for a loooong time.


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« Reply #51 on: September 16, 2011, 09:44:54 pm »
You Dissapoint me Greatly... I am now balancing whether to buy all your FS9 Sceneries for this... Give me a badass Super FSX Computer for under 1000$ and we'll talk but FS2004 has greater limits IMO... If I ever got this for my FSX (Which runs like a DUMP) it would turn into Microsoft Powerpoint... I can run at a care free-no lag Setup for FS2004 with MAX world traffic and with REX, etc. and it feels like FSX... so for a couple of year I will NEVER Buy a product from you for a loooong time.

Goodbye. Please delete your forum account on the way out.


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« Reply #52 on: September 16, 2011, 09:47:10 pm »
Yay its out! Can't wait to try it on my much more capable FSX platform that looks and runs perfectly. And I won't be bashing a great company like FSDT because they are moving forward not backwards ::)


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« Reply #53 on: September 16, 2011, 09:48:41 pm »
Well, you've lost me as a customer on future products now, but there are still some older sceneries from you I haven't bought yet


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« Reply #54 on: September 16, 2011, 09:55:47 pm »
Everytime I try to click on KLAX info page or download it takes me to the Hawaiian Airports Volume 2 for FSX and FS9.
All the rest of the airports are out of order when you click on them.


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« Reply #55 on: September 16, 2011, 09:57:38 pm »
Everytime I try to click on KLAX info page or download it takes me to the Hawaiian Airports Volume 2 for FSX and FS9.

This is done by your browser which has cached the page and is showing the previous version. That's why browsers have a "refresh" button...:)


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« Reply #56 on: September 16, 2011, 09:58:18 pm »
FS9 has been released in Fall 2003, which means it us 8 years old. In 8 years the performance of PCs have increased a lot, while cost went down. I guess after 8 years it is time to invest into the latest generation which is FSX, which itself is already 5 years old. I really do not understand the complains. Forget about FS9 now.


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« Reply #57 on: September 16, 2011, 10:04:07 pm »
 :D Got it downloading......Thanks Umberto

Frank Lindberg

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« Reply #58 on: September 16, 2011, 10:08:38 pm »
FS9 has been released in Fall 2003, which means it us 8 years old. In 8 years the performance of PCs have increased a lot, while cost went down. I guess after 8 years it is time to invest into the latest generation which is FSX, which itself is already 5 years old. I really do not understand the complains. Forget about FS9 now.

So what??? it's still one of best simulator ever. It's crazy to convert to fsx now.  >:( When MS flight is right around the corner. 
VA. Senior Captain Frank Lindberg
"United we stand and divided we fall"
My PC spec: MS Win10 pro 64 bit - Intel Core i9-9900K CPU @ OC to 5.0 GHz - 16GB Ram - Geforce 2080TI 11GBVRAM - P3Dv5.1


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« Reply #59 on: September 16, 2011, 10:09:15 pm »
Wow ???

Are there soo many FS9 users out there? They must have really budget PC's to not want run FSX. since must of them run fs9 because their systems can't run FSX.  What a shame because the PMDG 737NGX does not compare to the FS9 version from their old 737's. I support FSDt for their cosideration to FS9 but I am glad or hope they stay away from going back in technology instead of forward. to me FSx is to FS9 what Windows XP is to Windows 7.

Best regards.

Thank you



FSX was released 5 years ago!.

I've been through 2 computer upgrades since then and currently run an i7 @ 4,2 Ghz with a GTX 480 card, SSD disks and 6 GB of fast tripple channel RAM. Still no FSX for me.

I'm not willing to trade-off the smoothness of FS9 loaded with 100% AI, complex addons and weather for some eye candy. Show me a PC configuration that is able to run FSX in these conditions with high FPS in complex airports like KLAX and i'll switch to FSX in a heartbeat. You know what? It doensn't exist.

So please have some respect for users that have different views and priorities. You prefer to fly to mega hubs with 10 planes parked? OK, no problem, your call.

Very disappointing decision from FSDT, if KLAX FS9 is dead on arrival, please have a moment to consider those who were left behind, and supported the company throughout. We were even willing to accept a lower quality port, with fake bridges and so on. The 10$ Zurich discount should be made available for other FS9 sceneries.

And congratulations on KLAX, it looks great and runs better than most airport addons in FSX.