Are there soo many FS9 users out there? They must have really budget PC's to not want run FSX. since must of them run fs9 because their systems can't run FSX. What a shame because the PMDG 737NGX does not compare to the FS9 version from their old 737's. I support FSDt for their cosideration to FS9 but I am glad or hope they stay away from going back in technology instead of forward. to me FSx is to FS9 what Windows XP is to Windows 7.
Best regards.
Thank you
FSX was released 5 years ago!.
I've been through 2 computer upgrades since then and currently run an i7 @ 4,2 Ghz with a GTX 480 card, SSD disks and 6 GB of fast tripple channel RAM. Still no FSX for me.
I'm not willing to trade-off the smoothness of FS9 loaded with
100% AI, complex addons and weather for some eye candy. Show me a PC configuration that is able to run FSX in these conditions with high FPS in complex airports like KLAX and i'll switch to FSX in a heartbeat. You know what? It doensn't exist.
So please have some respect for users that have different views and priorities. You prefer to fly to mega hubs with 10 planes parked? OK, no problem, your call.
Very disappointing decision from FSDT, if KLAX FS9 is dead on arrival, please have a moment to consider those who were left behind, and supported the company throughout. We were even willing to accept a lower quality port, with fake bridges and so on. The 10$ Zurich discount should be made available for other FS9 sceneries.
And congratulations on KLAX, it looks great and runs better than most airport addons in FSX.