Author Topic: Texture problems when changing day/night /day  (Read 8250 times)


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Texture problems when changing day/night /day
« on: September 06, 2011, 10:12:44 pm »
Since an install of AES v213 a couple of days again strange things are happening. Co-incidence??

It is not easy but I shall try and explain what is the trouble.

Also posted this at Aerosoft, followed their advice to put AES KJFK off then on, and run FSX after both times. The problem seemed to be solved but this evening it returned.

At the gate in Slew I changed day to night and back with several types of aircraft which went ok. Turned Slew off and got my problem,
originally  also had the problem in Slew.

Also de-installed FSCabin Crew Announcements, which was purchased a couple of days before a couple of WOAI, & new.iFLY Intelliscene files.

The screen goes black and starts flashing, I also managed once to get to the day and I had no airport also no aircraft except for wheels.

When I changed from night to day, sometimes day to night I had a lot of flickering and lost of terminal buildings. It always seems to happen at the gates.

The menu bar also disappeared.

I have had to use the ESC tab to END FLIGHT. which resulted in a black window which shows the aircraft selected.

Been to other airports and have not had this problem.

The only other airport installed recently is Dreambeam's KSFO.

As KJFK is one of my favourite airports I want to resolve these issues if possible.

KLM and Night photo's taken baefore advice Aerosoft and the other two this evening.

As you can see on one photo the Menu Bar is missing.


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Re: Texture problems when changing day/night /day
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2011, 11:59:39 pm »
Does the problem goes away if you turn AES JFK off and run FSX with AES JFK off ? If yes, than it's an AES problem which you should try to solve with Aerosoft.

It's possible you use DirectX 10 ? The scenery should work with it, but maybe not the AES objects.


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Re: Texture problems when changing day/night /day
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2011, 04:34:28 pm »
Thanks for, as usual, your quick reply.

Put AES KJFK again to OFF , went from day/night slew/no slew different aircraft etc about ten times without any problem.

Written again on the forum at the same time yesterday, no reply yet.

Attached is a photo from today, the menu bar is very strange, also the letters have disappeared.

Also you can see the wheels of my Versluis A380.

I do not get a CTD but this is nearly as frustrating.

I have read somewhere on a forum that someone else also had these issues.

I do not have Direct X 10 on.

As I know that many new products  have "teething"problems I always wait a while before putting them in my Flight Sim.

Once again thanks for trying to help.

Maybe Aerosoft comes up with a solution.


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Re: Texture problems when changing day/night /day
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2011, 04:19:15 pm »
Been during a few tests. Unfortunately I also got the issues with AES OFF.

It now seen to happen when at night I change from the SPOT view to the Cockpit view, then to Day = No buildings. WOAI and other scenery objects like ground vehicles are still showing.

A few key works NIGHT -  SPOT - COCKPIT - DAY

Using the ESC I programmed another aircraft which resulted that I also did not get the Menu Bar, as shown in the photo's.

At another airport I did not get any issues.

Have noticed whilst reading all the forums that other people are getting similar issues, although these are mostly CDT's. which maybe

easier to get fixed.


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Re: Texture problems when changing day/night /day
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2011, 04:22:17 pm »
Using the ESC I programmed another aircraft which resulted that I also did not get the Menu Bar, as shown in the photo's.

I'm sorry, but lack of text in menus can only be due to a problem with video drivers, doesn't have anything to do with the scenery.

Have noticed whilst reading all the forums that other people are getting similar issues, although these are mostly CDT's. which maybe easier to get fix.

Nobody has ever reported issues like yours, and nobody has ever reported CTD, most common problem is missing buildings, but entirely different from your description, and are always fixed installing the current version of the scenery or the Addon Manager or fixing the antivirus.

Your problem is probably due to video drivers, and hasn't been reported by anyone else as shown in your images, which shows missing menu text, bad colors and bad image quality overall. Nothing to do with the scenery.


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Re: Texture problems when changing day/night /day
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2011, 06:30:21 pm »
Thanks for your quick reply.

Have nVidia GT440 Driver 259,36.

New version is 280.26.

However on reading forums this latest driver gives a black screen and many people went back to older version.

Although I have not checked all the airports why is it obvious at Kennedy?

Will carry on checking other airports before taking any action.

Once again thanks for your advice.


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Re: Texture problems when changing day/night /day
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2011, 06:50:38 pm »
Although I have not checked all the airports why is it obvious at Kennedy?

It's possible the problem might manifest only in very dense areas, and New York it's already very demanding, even without the airport.


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Re: Texture problems when changing day/night /day
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2011, 07:43:04 pm »
Changed Scenery Complexity from Very Dense to Dense.

Everything went fine, I am keeping my fingers crossed that this is the solution.

Many thanks for your patience.