Author Topic: Taxiwy lights at FedEx Ramp  (Read 5516 times)


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Taxiwy lights at FedEx Ramp
« on: August 27, 2011, 04:18:02 pm »
Hey Guys,

yesterday I arrived at your (virtual) DFW and taxied to the FedEX cargo... The problem was that the blue taxiway lights were not on the gras edge of taxiwys "N" and "P" (north of RWY13L) but right on the midle :/

Does anyone now the problem and has an Idea to fix it, or isn´t it a problem. I found no real life pics where I can see how it looks like in real but I can´t imagine that a rael MD11 could enter this Apron in this case.

Thx in advance fore your help,
