Author Topic: Kennedy "hollowed out" at night  (Read 5525 times)


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Kennedy "hollowed out" at night
« on: August 15, 2011, 07:44:34 am »
Hey guys, a bit of a weird problem that has just started happening (or rather as I was noticing). There seems to be a weird issue where the model doesn't load, and it happens every time.


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Re: Kennedy "hollowed out" at night
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2011, 10:58:05 am »
Not a problem of the scenery, most likely a wrong setting on your FSX.

Have you enabled any of the "Compatibility" modes for FSX ? If yes, turn them off, FSX shouldn't run with them, because it creates all sort of issues like that.

If it's not the compatibility mode, try to reset your video card to its default settings and if still doesn't change, try to remove your FSX.CFG file at %APPDATA%\Microsoft\FSX, and have FSX recreate a new one with all default settings.


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Re: Kennedy "hollowed out" at night
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2011, 08:09:47 pm »
I've done those both several times, no luck. It's not a JFK issue I guess because it occurs also on AI aircraft, where only their lights are displayed. Other people have reported this problem with the scenery and corrected the issue in some way. Any idea what that solution could be?


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Re: Kennedy "hollowed out" at night
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2011, 01:29:24 am »
I understand it may not be a KJFK problem but it only happens at JFK... :/


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Re: Kennedy "hollowed out" at night
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2011, 07:29:07 pm »
I understand it may not be a KJFK problem but it only happens at JFK... :/

First, since you said:

It's not a JFK issue I guess because it occurs also on AI aircraft

So, it's not a problem of the scenery.

Are you using FS9 AI models in FSX ? If yes, other than having bad performances, there's a known problem that FS9 AI models under FSX will display only theirs lights, if the "Aircraft Cast Shadows on Ground" is turned on. This doesn't happen with AI in native FSX format.

Perhaps this might also affect the scenery in some way, although nobody ever reported it before. Are you using DX10 Preview mode ? If yes, try turning it off.


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Re: Kennedy "hollowed out" at night
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2011, 09:17:58 pm »
Nope, I learned my lesson with the DX10 preview mode. haha  ;D

I'm trying to re-do my settings in general. Although it's not necessarily the solution, I am starting from scratch with a new fsx.cfg.