Hello Scuddy!
How did you Installed win7/64bit? Here is what I found on the web: However, there is a proven way to improve the reliability
of the FSX install process on any Windows. This is most
efficient if you have two physical drives. Create a folder on
a different drive or partition, called FSX_Install, or whatever.
Using Windows Explorer, copy the entire contents of both
DVDs into this folder. A couple of times you will be asked
if you want to overwrite a particular file. Say No.
It may take a bit of time because the cab files are in the 100s
of MBs. The reason behind this install method is that the
FSX DVDs sometimes balk during the install. The copy to
disk is method much more reliable, due to more robust error
correction algorithms in the file copy process.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hope this help you. Herb