Author Topic: Problem With Hawaiian Airport Vol.2 ( No Bulidings )  (Read 24649 times)


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Re: Problem With Hawaiian Airport Vol.2 ( No Bulidings )
« Reply #15 on: July 21, 2011, 03:24:19 pm »
Yes, that was the right folder. Now I uninstall all your Hawaiian airports and will see, what happen, when I first start it without the 5 airports. After that, I'll install each separately without my MES activated.
Can't understand, why it doesn't work. Beside the Hawaiians I have 8 airports from FSD and everything was OK. Now with this Cuatl-programm I have such trouble.
BTW as I started FSX with this simconnect-file, all my other addons in the Addon-Window disappeared (FSUIP, Open Clouds, Follow Me etc.) and I had to install it again.


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Re: Problem With Hawaiian Airport Vol.2 ( No Bulidings )
« Reply #16 on: July 21, 2011, 03:33:45 pm »
BTW as I started FSX with this simconnect-file, all my other addons in the Addon-Window disappeared (FSUIP, Open Clouds, Follow Me etc.) and I had to install it again.

That's shouldn't happen either, the Simconnect.ini file simply enables the diagnostic mode (which doesn't seem to work on your system, which is unheard of) but it doesn't affect your addons at all.

The only files that could make your modules to disappear, are the DLL.XML and EXE.XML, which are in a different folder ( %APPDATA%\Microsoft\FSX ) so it seems unlikely that, by editing the Documents/Flight Simulator Files folder, you would affect these.


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Re: Problem With Hawaiian Airport Vol.2 ( No Bulidings )
« Reply #17 on: July 22, 2011, 07:26:34 am »
Hi Umberto, just two questions:
As the Cuatle-Menue doesn't work for me with all the uninstall and deactivating my MSE, perhaps is it necessary, to make the process with every other FDS-airports outside Hawaii too?
Should the Simconnect-check appears at the very beginning from the FSX-launch (on my PC with all my lots of AI-Planes and sceneries it takes about 15 minutes) and should it appears at every launch again?


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Re: Problem With Hawaiian Airport Vol.2 ( No Bulidings )
« Reply #18 on: July 22, 2011, 10:16:58 am »
As the Cuatle-Menue doesn't work for me with all the uninstall and deactivating my MSE, perhaps is it necessary, to make the process with every other FDS-airports outside Hawaii too?

No, because all related to Addon Manager and Couatl it's shared between sceneries so, it's enough to fix it using only one scenery only.

Should the Simconnect-check appears at the very beginning from the FSX-launch (on my PC with all my lots of AI-Planes and sceneries it takes about 15 minutes) and should it appears at every launch again?

The Simconnect diagnostic window will appear immediately regardless of how many addons you have, because it's started before any other addon, and will appear every time, as long as you have the Simconnect.ini file in the Documents/Flight Simulator Files folder.

Sorry, it's just not possible that you would see the Addon Manager menu (meaning Simconnect is working) but wouldn't be able to see the Simconnect diagnostic window, the only explanation is that you did something wrong activating it.

Note that, being a separate window, you have to run FSX in a Window, otherwise you wouldn't be able to see the two windows together.


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Re: Problem With Hawaiian Airport Vol.2 ( No Bulidings )
« Reply #19 on: July 22, 2011, 01:18:26 pm »
Hi Umberto, the next problem:
After uninstall all the Hawaiian Airports, deactivated my MSE, put the Simconnect-check in the right folder, I tried to install one of my Hawaiian Airports again and get this message:
An error occured while trying to create a file in the destination directory:
Setup was unable to create the director< "C:\ProgramFiles.......--fsdreamtean\cuatl\wx"


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Re: Problem With Hawaiian Airport Vol.2 ( No Bulidings )
« Reply #20 on: July 22, 2011, 02:19:54 pm »
I tried to install one of my Hawaiian Airports again and get this message: An error occured while trying to create a file in the destination directory:
Setup was unable to create the director< "C:\ProgramFiles.......--fsdreamtean\cuatl\wx"

This because you ran setup too quickly after closing FSX, without giving it time to close properly so, files were still open, and the installer can't write to them.

This is of course fixed by a Windows reboot.


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Re: Problem With Hawaiian Airport Vol.2 ( No Bulidings )
« Reply #21 on: July 23, 2011, 05:06:58 pm »
Now I uninstalled every FSD-Airport I have (12), closed down my MSE and started from the very beginning with installing LSGG. Launching FSX and nearly at the end of the launching-process I saw the Simconnect-check. Then comes the two messages to answer with Yes. Holding the Pause-button I could see an empty sheet and when I put on another key, then I could only see quick that there was some written at the simconnect, but can't stop it. Nevertheless as you can imagine, the result was the same: only the addon-manager was there and no Coatle. But I can see all the new folders and files regarding the LSGG in the FSD-folder.
So the antivirus-program is absolutely not the reason for my problem.
Now I read in another thread here about LSGG, that I'm not the only with the coatle-problem. And there was somebody, who resolved the problem with putting the exe.xml in the coatle-folder. Could you or this guy help me, what I could do exactly with this file? Thanks a lot as always.


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Re: Problem With Hawaiian Airport Vol.2 ( No Bulidings )
« Reply #22 on: July 23, 2011, 05:23:13 pm »
If you are being ASKED to run the Couatl program, it means your EXE.XML is fine, otherwise there wouldn't be any question.

Of course, it's impossible to say what the problem is, if you can't see the diagnostic. Try to change this line in the Simconnect.ini:


Change it to this:


And save back the file. This will hopefully result in an easier to see text, because it will indicate only errors.


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Re: Problem With Hawaiian Airport Vol.2 ( No Bulidings )
« Reply #23 on: July 23, 2011, 05:40:42 pm »
Does it help for you: I have no coatle.exe


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Re: Problem With Hawaiian Airport Vol.2 ( No Bulidings )
« Reply #24 on: July 23, 2011, 05:48:16 pm »
Does it help for you: I have no coatle.exe

You are not supposed to have a file named coatle.exe. The correct name is Couatl.exe, and it's located under the fsdreamteam\Couatl folder, under the main FSX folder.

If you have the folder, but not that file, it can only means it has been removed by the antivirus. Are you SURE you don't have ANOTHER security program running, on top of the antivirus ?

In any case, have you tried to do what I've asked to do in my previous message, after checking if you have the Couatl.exe file in the correct folder ?


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Re: Problem With Hawaiian Airport Vol.2 ( No Bulidings )
« Reply #25 on: July 23, 2011, 05:56:57 pm »
I have a file in this folder named "couatle" without any endings and it is 1.144 KB. Nevertheless I'll try the simconnection with your modification.
BTW I have only this MSE Antivirus-Programm.


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Re: Problem With Hawaiian Airport Vol.2 ( No Bulidings )
« Reply #26 on: July 24, 2011, 08:23:29 am »
No way to stop the simconnect-sheet and read it. Could we try another solution together?


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Re: Problem With Hawaiian Airport Vol.2 ( No Bulidings )
« Reply #27 on: July 24, 2011, 11:42:41 am »
No way to stop the simconnect-sheet and read it. Could we try another solution together?

First, you should do what I've said in my previous message: by logging only errors, it would be difficult the screen would scroll very fast.

And, as I've said in another previous message, you can pause the scrolling by pressing the "Pause" key on the keyboard.


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Re: Problem With Hawaiian Airport Vol.2 ( No Bulidings )
« Reply #28 on: July 24, 2011, 01:42:53 pm »
Umberto, I did everything you said. But when the simconnection appears and I push the PAUSE button, then nothing happens. Afters this, I push another button, e.g. any letter, then the four messages with the questions about the trust appears. I say YES, pressing the PAUSE simultaneously, but during this procedures suddenly I see a writing on the sheet just not for a second and that's it. How can I fix and read it, when it disappear immediately?
BTW since yesterday or so when I download the first of my FSD_airports, I see in the couatl-folder not the couatl.exe file, instead of this there are a file only named "couatl" with a green snake-symbol in front. Is this OK?
There must be another solution, you could understand, that I'm not willing, all my purchased airports to throw away. And as I saw in this support-forum, I was not the only having the problem with the Cuoatl.


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Re: Problem With Hawaiian Airport Vol.2 ( No Bulidings )
« Reply #29 on: July 24, 2011, 02:21:49 pm »
Afters this, I push another button, e.g. any letter, then the four messages with the questions about the trust appears. I say YES, pressing the PAUSE simultaneously, but during this procedures suddenly I see a writing on the sheet just not for a second and that's it. How can I fix and read it, when it disappear immediately?

First, it's not normal you would get the trust request *each* time. Is this what's happening ? Or, just because you are uninstalling completely each time ? There's no need to do that now, just try to read the diagnostic window.

And, to have the pause key working, you have to have the Simconnect text window on the foreground, the pause key will not do anything if you press it when another window is displayed.

Simply try to arrange the FSX window and the simconnect diagnostic window so the can both be seen together on your desktop, and then press the pause key only when the simconnect window is on focus. If it's not, simply click on it, this is basic Windows behavior...

And no, there will be no text appearing and immediately disappearing. The lines of text will *scroll* and, if you followed my previous instruction and replaced the logging command to log only errors, instead of everything, there should be only a few lines scrolling, which means it should be quite easily to read them, even without pausing.

BTW since yesterday or so when I download the first of my FSD_airports, I see in the couatl-folder not the couatl.exe file, instead of this there are a file only named "couatl" with a green snake-symbol in front. Is this OK?

Yes, if your windows is configured to not show file extension, you wouldn't see the .exe extension.

There must be another solution,

There's no other solution that follow what I've said, thus being able to read the diagnostic window messages, so I can understand your issue.

And as I saw in this support-forum, I was not the only having the problem with the Cuoatl.

Your issue doesn't seem to have anything to do with this, all the issues are because faulty antivirus products interfere with it, not because the Couatl program has a problem. Clear proof of this, if you *follow* all the discussion to the end, not just the start of them, is that when the antivirus is correctly configured as instructed, it wil always work.

Your issue *seems* to be different, which is why I've asked to run the diagnostics, without them, there's no way to even start thinking how to fix it.

If you are really unable to use the pause key as instructed, it's possible to direct the output to a file, change the simconnect.ini file as follows:


I've removed the commas on the file commands, and changed the pathname to point to a writable folder.

Run FSX once, then exit from it when the first screen appears. If you do it correctly, a file named simconnect000.log should have been created under %APPDATA%\Microsoft\FSX.

Post it here attached to a message, so I can have a look at it.