Author Topic: Work in Progress / 10  (Read 169690 times)


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Re: Work in Progress / 10
« Reply #45 on: July 22, 2011, 03:35:05 pm »
I have to agree. ;D LAX is impressive from the screenshot previews. :)
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Re: Work in Progress / 10
« Reply #46 on: July 22, 2011, 04:52:42 pm »
I have to agree. ;D LAX is impressive from the screenshot previews. :)

+1. KLAX looks incredible
Happy Flying,
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Re: Work in Progress / 10
« Reply #47 on: July 22, 2011, 05:26:48 pm »
I think it looks fantastic . My only hope is that vehicles are not allowed on aircraft taxi ways cross yes but not used as a highway. ??? ??? ???

Frank  ::) ::) ::) ???

Anders Bermann

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Re: Work in Progress / 10
« Reply #48 on: July 24, 2011, 01:54:49 pm »

You can do better?

Although I am NOT SURPRISED after reading your last few comments. :-)

Man How long does it take to get KLAX done this is way to long. I hope they don't go out of business...

To be honest it looks good but they are taking way to long on this project just my opinion

Another thing if they were almost done with LAX they would have posted more pics.

Yeah This company is going to take a while to this  LAX I thought they would be done by now in the mean time they could have done a smaller airport while they were working on LAX.

Maybe you should change your user name from "goodperson36" to "impatientperson36" or "hard_to_please_person36"

Why don't you try building an airport of this magnitude yourself and we'll see if it's done any better looking or quicker than what FSDT has done. Most likely we would all say NOT IMPRESSED.

Personally I think this is one of the best looking airports I have ever seen anyone done yet, especially considering it wont bring your FPS to levels that basically make it almost unusable. I'd say that this is like the PMDG NGX of airports considering the techniques they are using.

Hehe! Agreed!!!
Well said :)
Best regards, Anders


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Re: Work in Progress / 10
« Reply #49 on: July 25, 2011, 08:16:26 am »

Do not release LAX until you have a better picture of the gate/taxiway structures on that new Bradley international terminal. I rather wait longer to get this one right. The look of LAX will change dramatically once the new terminals are done.



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Re: Work in Progress / 10
« Reply #50 on: July 25, 2011, 01:27:35 pm »
Do not release LAX until you have a better picture of the gate/taxiway structures on that new Bradley international terminal. I rather wait longer to get this one right. The look of LAX will change dramatically once the new terminals are done.

We'll release KLAX when it's ready, the new Bradley terminal is not due before the end of the year anyway so, we can't obviously delay a finished scenery just to get better pictures of it. We'll have to updated it anyway, when new charts will be published when the terminal goes into operation.


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Re: Work in Progress / 10
« Reply #51 on: July 28, 2011, 02:54:47 am »
well it does not matter what I have to say. I can speak my mind if i want to. I have been a graphics designer for about 20 years and I have also been a software programmer for about the last 10 years. I could have done this project in about three months and programmed it my self it's not who you know, but what you know NO PUN INTENDED. Have a nice day by th eway they said they were going to release this in june. I am not the only one thats complaining in here


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Re: Work in Progress / 10
« Reply #52 on: July 28, 2011, 03:12:05 am »
well it does not matter what I have to say. I can speak my mind if i want to. I have been a graphics designer for about 20 years and I have also been a software programmer for about the last 10 years. I could have done this project in about three months and programmed it my self it's not who you know, but what you know NO PUN INTENDED. Have a nice day by th eway they said they were going to release this in june. I am not the only one thats complaining in here

No one is saying you can't speak your mind.. But coming into forums like this and ripping FSDT guys a new arse and saying you can do better yadda yadda shows you're real arrogance...  If you're so hot SH*^ at desinging scenery.. do it....  They say June, life happens, they also just released additional Hawaii scenery.  Besides, what is complaining going to do...?  You think because of your attitude they'll finish it up tonight and release it just for you..?  Sorry Princess the world doesn't revolve around you..  Don't buy it if it gets your panties this tangled...  But coming into their forums and berrating them and whining it isn't done yet to the supporters who could care less of the delay (it'll make the scenery that much better) is the last thing you should do.  BTW- go and research what a "PUN" is.. you either just embarrased yourself or made a half assed attempt at a PUN stating the programmers/supporters (I can't tell) on here don't know anything.
my $0.02...
« Last Edit: July 28, 2011, 03:17:43 am by comicpilot »

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Re: Work in Progress / 10
« Reply #53 on: July 28, 2011, 03:16:07 am »
well it does not matter what I have to say. I can speak my mind if i want to. I have been a graphics designer for about 20 years and I have also been a software programmer for about the last 10 years. I could have done this project in about three months and programmed it my self it's not who you know, but what you know NO PUN INTENDED. Have a nice day by th eway they said they were going to release this in june. I am not the only one thats complaining in here

If you are as good as you say you are, I am willing to give you 6 months to create KIAH on the same quality level as FSDT.
Good Luck!

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Re: Work in Progress / 10
« Reply #54 on: July 28, 2011, 03:33:25 am »
well it does not matter what I have to say. I can speak my mind if i want to. I have been a graphics designer for about 20 years and I have also been a software programmer for about the last 10 years. I could have done this project in about three months and programmed it my self it's not who you know, but what you know NO PUN INTENDED. Have a nice day by th eway they said they were going to release this in june. I am not the only one thats complaining in here

If you are as good as you say you are, I am willing to give you 6 months to create KIAH on the same quality level as FSDT.
Good Luck!
+1 ;D
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ALIENWARE AURORA R4 MSWIN7 64BIT  As for the rest of it......?????????


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Re: Work in Progress / 10
« Reply #55 on: July 28, 2011, 07:51:19 am »
Let's not forget their other products...GSX, Hawaiian Airports Vol. 2 (just completed), Zurich (redo) and probably other businesses in Italy. Simply said...they have too much on their plate!

well it does not matter what I have to say. I can speak my mind if i want to. I have been a graphics designer for about 20 years and I have also been a software programmer for about the last 10 years. I could have done this project in about three months and programmed it my self it's not who you know, but what you know NO PUN INTENDED. Have a nice day by th eway they said they were going to release this in june. I am not the only one thats complaining in here

If you are as good as you say you are, I am willing to give you 6 months to create KIAH on the same quality level as FSDT.
Good Luck!
+1 ;D

Give them a break...Darryl

Btw...they have the best customer service and actually answer your questions unlike many other developers!!!
« Last Edit: July 28, 2011, 08:46:26 am by AA777-200ER »

Anders Bermann

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Re: Work in Progress / 10
« Reply #56 on: July 28, 2011, 12:19:27 pm »
Their customer service is just outstanding!!!
I think, Umberto's effort in resolving the KSFO 2.0/couatl.exe problems really proved!

He worked tirelessly in the small hours, to resolve it, as fast as possible!
Thumbs up! 
Best regards, Anders


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Re: Work in Progress / 10
« Reply #57 on: July 28, 2011, 04:37:13 pm »
comic pilot hey have a nice day I refuse to argue with a NEWBIE....I need to learn to stay off thses forums and state my opinion because people like you tend to want to argue a point. I really did not realize this would turn into this.


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Re: Work in Progress / 10
« Reply #58 on: July 28, 2011, 05:19:22 pm »
comic pilot hey have a nice day I refuse to argue with a NEWBIE....I need to learn to stay off thses forums and state my opinion because people like you tend to want to argue a point. I really did not realize this would turn into this.

I know i also have a newbie status, but if you look under "goodperson"36 it says NEWBIE, and what do you expect, these guys here are probably the best scenery designers in the flight simulator community and they're trying to go where no developer has gone before...again.... which is awesome! My guess is that opinions will change once FSDT releases the demon on our FS's ;)


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Re: Work in Progress / 10
« Reply #59 on: July 28, 2011, 06:21:47 pm »
comic pilot hey have a nice day I refuse to argue with a NEWBIE....I need to learn to stay off thses forums and state my opinion because people like you tend to want to argue a point. I really did not realize this would turn into this.

Pot calling the kettle black...  I don't post up on this forum everytime I have a thought.   However I own every scenery FSDT/Cloud 9 have released and check these forums for updates etc periodically.  Besides that I frequent other forums and really am sick of seeing the same people posting stuff bout being mad at scenery, aircraft, etc designers for NOT abiding by their personal needs...  The selfishness on these flightsim forums is astonishing...  But I think we are all now waiting to see what scenery you will release, since according to you you can produce better than FSDT... hop to it