Author Topic: Work in Progress / 09  (Read 68491 times)


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Re: Work in Progress / 09
« Reply #60 on: July 11, 2011, 10:27:55 am »
Jeez, why not a release in september ?? If so, it will just take FSDT a year to finish this airport... I don't understand anything anymore. And you (FSDT) have a full time working team ??

Yes, we have a full time working team, and it IS working full time on KLAX. The issue is, this scenery is really unique and the time taken to do it WILL SHOW instantly.  KDFW was ALREADY a top-notch scenery, which used solutions unequalled by anyone else, and gave extremely good performances and good looks too, for an airport of such size. We might have been satisfied with it, and just monetize the experience, by doing exactly the same at KLAX.

Instead, we raised the bar again by several notches, which means KLAX will made any other big airport scenery out there looking outdated, including KDFW. The screenshots posted don't give the faintest idea how much better the scenery is compared to the old generation, it's almost as if we have a new sim running, and it has to be seen live to realize this. And wait until you'll see the first night shot, because they are going to be like nothing else.

We are quite sure the quality gap is to be so large, than it's worth waiting, because everyone would want to have it once it's out.

We were discussing release dates because we initially planned to re-use some of the old 3d buildings (re-textured, of course) we made for the Cloud9 version, at least for the peripheral section of the airport (Cargo, etc.). We tried that and, decided to redo everything from scratch: the difference in quality of the new stuff was so large, than the old stuff throw in didn't really fit well. So, the whole scenery, down to the least significant small building, will be made with the same attention of the main terminals. This means release date will slip, but it's still something we anticipate to do this Summer.

You are amazing!!
This is a new tendency and I like it! So much care, detail and innovation goes into flightsim products today! I remember the old days were there were years between quality products, and the low end was REALLY low end.

Thank you for what you are giving us by selling us your products ;)

Yours truly
Boaz Fraizer
Copenhagen, Denmark

global express

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Re: Work in Progress / 09
« Reply #61 on: July 12, 2011, 02:57:46 pm »