To be honest, if they LatinVFR is credible or not, I don't really care. If the scenery looks good to me, I'll get it anyway.
Yes, people like you, that's just what they were betting on when they stole other peoples work to sell their scenery.
Listen, the guy apologized to FT, sorted it out with both them and Intersim, and is continuing on. What more do you people want? It's the guys only work of income, and I don't think you have ANY idea how hard it is to make a scenery. When you have made a good one, come back to me
I agree that it was wrong, but I mean, what's done is done, and you can't go saying "remove it form SimMarket" etc. Just chill out. He makes a LIVING from these sceneries, so doing that would just make another person homeless/jobless, and we wouldn't want that now would we?