Author Topic: Maybe some stuff for a update  (Read 7760 times)


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Maybe some stuff for a update
« on: October 28, 2007, 12:30:26 pm »
Hello everybody

I did some testflight with the Trial Version in FS9. I noticed some things that are not able to vote, or perhaps need a improvement.

Let`s go first to the General Aviation Center: The ground markings are a bit simple, they`r much comlex in real life. There are buildings around this place, so it`s not possible that there are some gaps between the buildings.

At many runways are beautiful approach lights. But what happens at runway 34?

Then we take a look of Sector 7 near W-Stands: The heliport. What`s going on here? The Helipads are not modeld, just the normal airport texture shows their existence... In my opiniom, this is an important place in Zürich, specially during the WEF. Maybe you gave to little attention to this part of the airport.

Strange way of this road  ;)

With this words I would like to made this scenery better even it already is, so I hope for an update  :D

Last but not least, sorry for my bad english  ;D
