Already done. This update is already implemented as part of v1.2 CHARLIE coming out this week, as soon as I get the permissions. I've written the READMEs and once I get permission, i'll put it out to everyone here.
You'll see what I'm talking about, and its not the HOLDBACK BAR INSTALLED, its the (EXTENDED, BOOL) variable that I use. From that, I employ two "tricks", one is setting up both MLG to MAX braking to get that "correct cat-shot speed" and the elevators are auto-set to 48 units (however units are measured) nose up. That way, the entire first portion of the cat-shot is automated, AS IT SHOULD BE for a Hornet.
Simple procedure. Before lowering launchbar for hookup, do a FULL "wipeout" to include HOTAS (stick and throttle), rudder pedals, and toe brakes. Lower launchbar and "hook up". Push throttle to MAX, see the LBAR green light go out on the left annunciator panel... pull back throttle to MIL power. Hit the LAUNCH button. At the end of the cat-stroke, take note of speed as the jet gets airborne and notice the nose pull up as you gain speed and altitude. Once you see the velocity vector approaching 15 deg, take control with your HOTAS and give a slight turn to BRC and level out at 600 ft MSL. Start the turn to downwind at your discretion and fly the carrier pattern.
The landing procedures in v1.2 CHARLIE are similarly automatic for the most part. No ATC (yet), or true ICLS lock-on, but from the gauges that are available, they come up automatically, and make the landings alot more realistic.