I am now starting to fly your manual Basic Hornet v Charlie, it is very good. But I have noticed the following odd effect.
If I start FSX, choose the Sludge Basic CF-18A and start it off, if the virtual view has the blue FSX title bar showing, using Sh+KB6 the IFLOLS shows (as do the Fuel and PLAT Gauges), the cursor is the normal "Arrow".
But, if I use Alt + Enter to go to full screen view the cursor becomes a flashing wheel and Sh+KB6 does not call up the IFL, nor does Sh+4 call up the Fuelling gauge and Sh+7 does not call the PLAT. Reverting to title bar view has no effect, the cursor stays as a wheel and the IFL , Fuel and PLAT gauges do not appear.
If I start FSX in full screen view the cursor starts as the flashing wheel and neither the IFL, Fuel nor PLAT appear. Reverting to title bar view has no effect. But, if I restart FSX in "Title bar" mode all the gauges function.
All the other gauges (i.e. radios, GPS, HUD panel) appear as expected in both "Full screen" virtual view and "Title bar" view.
It maybe I have to fly in "Title bar" mode, but is there anything which can be done so I can fly in "Full screen" mode? Is the flashing cursor wheel significant?
Keep up the good work!