Sorry for not getting back to you quicker. I was down for a full day after losing power from the tornadoes splitting power poles IN HALF. But finally got back into the thick of things last night and looked at this thread.
As far as the eyepoint... couldn't have said it better myself, as Jimi said, just modify the default viewpoint along those axis points to get your "starting point" (-17.0, 0.0, 3.5; from memory) and then go from there. One thing you should know is that the HUD will remain CONFORMAL at the -17.0, 0.0, 3.5 value. If you change the -17.0 to something such as -16.5, or -17.5, you'll need to change the HUD size to keep the pitch ladder/velocity vector conformal with the outside horizon. Also, talk to Jimi about this, but you may need to change/limit one of your "degrees of motion" of forward/back to zoom forward/zoom back? Or just disable it, so once you get the HUD conformal, you can keep it there.
I'd say Jimi is a good source of knowledge on those specifics, as he has TrackIR, whereas I don't.