Author Topic: XCity Rome - valutazione acquisto  (Read 16708 times)


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XCity Rome - valutazione acquisto
« on: May 19, 2011, 10:32:19 am »
sto valutando l'acquisto dell'addon in oggetto. Ho però alcuni dubbi, spero di poter trovare una risposta:
1) il problema del crash persiste ancora oppure c'è una patch che ha risolto il problema (o già inclusa nel download) ?
2) sto usando un notebook con cpu i7-975 3.33 ghz - Ram 6 gb dd3 - gtx 285 1gb - 2x320 HDD raid0  - quali impostazioni devo adottare per avere un sorvolo fluido sul centro di Roma? Ho provato il prodotto su un p.c. di un mio amico e ho notato fastidiosi microscatti, con caratteristiche hardware simili al mio, leggermente più basse a livello di cpu, ma di pochissimo.
3) non ho capito bene il funzionamento dell' addon manager.

Grazie in anticipo per un cortese riscontro a chi ha già provato l'addon oppure all'amministratore per i preziosi suggerimenti.
Aspetto fiducioso.
Cordiali saluti


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Re: XCity Rome - valutazione acquisto
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2011, 12:19:56 pm »
This forum is English only, if you want support in Italian, you have to email us.

The crash fix can be downloaded here:

The Addon Manager is used to allow the Trial version and activate the product, or reactivate it after a reinstall.

The crash fix patch is the last available update of the scenery, we don't plan any other upgrades for this scenery.

The Trial is offered so you can evaluate how the scenery works on your system before purchasing. If you are not fully confident about its performances, we suggest not buying it.


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Re: XCity Rome - valutazione acquisto
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2011, 04:42:34 pm »
Good evening,

so sorry for my msg in italian.
I tried to download the crash fix but the link is not working (,
I have the following message:
You don't have permission to access /binaries/ on this server.
I will be downloading the trial version in order to test is, please let me know about the crash fix.
The addon manager is inside the trial program?
Thank you.


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Re: XCity Rome - valutazione acquisto
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2011, 04:59:05 pm »
I tried to download the crash fix but the link is not working (,
I have the following message:
You don't have permission to access /binaries/ on this server.

I've tried to download it now, and it works just fine so, it's surely a problem on your end.

If you send me an email, I'll send you the file over email.

The addon manager is inside the trial program?

The installer includes everything that needs to be there in order to use the scenery. However, as explained on the Cloud9 page here:


If the Cloud9 product you purchased doesn't have an FSDT updated installer yet, you have to install the Cloud9 product first, then update the Stand-alone Addon Manager

Since X-City Rome doesn't have an installer from FSDT, it's best to install the scenery and then update the Stand-alone Addon Manager for FSX, using the link provided in the above page.


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Re: XCity Rome - valutazione acquisto
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2011, 06:14:48 pm »
Thank you so much, I already sent one mail to the support address.