Author Topic: Not Pointing Fingers, Just Need Help g3d.dll crash  (Read 24390 times)


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Not Pointing Fingers, Just Need Help g3d.dll crash
« on: March 28, 2011, 10:11:03 pm »
Hi Guys,

I have a new high-end machine, to which I reinstalled FSX, and all add-ons too. I've been a user of FSDT PHNL, and Hawaii Volume 1 for a long time.  Since my new install, I've been receiving CTDs at PHNL, with the faulting module being g3d.dll.  This has only happened at FSDT PHNL so far.  It has happened when loading the airport and flight from PHNL, and on final approach to 8L flying KLAX-PHNL.  I've been flying the LDS767.

The only new add-on I have with my new installation is UT2.  It has been working fine so far, but I'm wondering if there is a conflict between FSDT and UT2.  I'm not pointing fingers at either one, but given the many users here, I thought someone might be able to help me diagnose and fix this, so that I can get a successful flight into my favorite airport!

Are there settings on either app that may help tune them to work better together?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



Below are my specs:

Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
Core i7 960
6GB Muskin RAM
EVGA Nvidia Geforce 460 GTX OC 1GB
FSX Gold with Acceleration
« Last Edit: March 28, 2011, 10:14:29 pm by johndrago »


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Re: Not Pointing Fingers, Just Need Help g3d.dll crash
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2011, 02:11:38 am »
The first question that comes to mind is, have you tried PHNL with default traffic ? At least we would know if it's the combination of the two which creates a problem. Then, after we assessed this, we might try to understand any reason.

BTW, I use UT2 myself and, even if I'm not have it turned on at all times, when we test a scenery with lots of traffic, we tend to use UT2 as a reference, specifically because it also uses Simconnect, quite heavily so, it could *potentially* create issues with our airports. But it never happen to have such crash.

AI-related crashes are tricky to check, because they are related to a specific schedule, they might not appear every day, or every time.


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Re: Not Pointing Fingers, Just Need Help g3d.dll crash
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2011, 07:07:01 pm »
The first question that comes to mind is, have you tried PHNL with default traffic ? At least we would know if it's the combination of the two which creates a problem. Then, after we assessed this, we might try to understand any reason.

BTW, I use UT2 myself and, even if I'm not have it turned on at all times, when we test a scenery with lots of traffic, we tend to use UT2 as a reference, specifically because it also uses Simconnect, quite heavily so, it could *potentially* create issues with our airports. But it never happen to have such crash.

AI-related crashes are tricky to check, because they are related to a specific schedule, they might not appear every day, or every time.

I will test this weekend without AI (UT2), and let you know.




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Re: Not Pointing Fingers, Just Need Help g3d.dll crash
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2011, 09:03:10 pm »
The first question that comes to mind is, have you tried PHNL with default traffic ? At least we would know if it's the combination of the two which creates a problem. Then, after we assessed this, we might try to understand any reason.

BTW, I use UT2 myself and, even if I'm not have it turned on at all times, when we test a scenery with lots of traffic, we tend to use UT2 as a reference, specifically because it also uses Simconnect, quite heavily so, it could *potentially* create issues with our airports. But it never happen to have such crash.

AI-related crashes are tricky to check, because they are related to a specific schedule, they might not appear every day, or every time.

Ok, I tested over the weekend. I disabled UT2, and flew the same flight (KLAX-PHNL).  This time, I was able to land without incident.  Again, not sure what the interaction issue is, but something is going on.

Any ideas?



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Re: Not Pointing Fingers, Just Need Help g3d.dll crash
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2011, 10:02:46 pm »
I disabled UT2, and flew the same flight (KLAX-PHNL).  This time, I was able to land without incident. 

Most likely cause, it's a problem with one of the UT2 models, maybe related to an invalid/missing/corrupted texture. Or, maybe not really a problem, but just too many objects loaded, leading to video memory corruption/exhaustion, that might be fixed by lowering the AI density.


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Re: Not Pointing Fingers, Just Need Help g3d.dll crash
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2011, 10:20:37 pm »
I disabled UT2, and flew the same flight (KLAX-PHNL).  This time, I was able to land without incident. 

Most likely cause, it's a problem with one of the UT2 models, maybe related to an invalid/missing/corrupted texture. Or, maybe not really a problem, but just too many objects loaded, leading to video memory corruption/exhaustion, that might be fixed by lowering the AI density.

Ok, good suggestion.  Anyone else that had this problem, or similar have a suggestion to what UT2 settings work at PHNL?




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Re: Not Pointing Fingers, Just Need Help g3d.dll crash
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2011, 03:23:41 pm »
I wish I could help John but I don't have ut2 yet I should be getting it hopefully soon, like Umberto mentioned there could be a missing ai texture causing the crash or there is just to much going on for the system. I had a similar problem with aerosoft/simwings Madrid scenery were it would constantly crash and it was because of a missing texture in one of the ai folders.

New Jersey EWR


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Re: Not Pointing Fingers, Just Need Help g3d.dll crash
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2011, 09:39:49 pm »
Ok, good suggestion.  Anyone else that had this problem, or similar have a suggestion to what UT2 settings work at PHNL?



I've been having the same problem since day one of installing PHNL.  Loading at the airport, or approaching from one of the other islands presents no problems, but on overwater flights from the mainland or asia the sim crashes somewhere between 100-50mi out of HNL. 

There seems to be no resolution to the issue.  I'm using UT2, Activesky, etc.  All worked well in concert prior to the installation of HNL.  I've since performed full reinstallation of FSX and all add-ons, done all the standard tests, etc.  Same result- sim crashes apparently at some point where it begins loading the airport, scenery, etc.  Through tedious steps I've found that it was, unfortunately, HNL's installation that brought this behavior to my situation. 

Some discussions have circled simconnect, and as expected each party insists there is no piece of their product causing the overload.  It's very possible that having some of these add-ons working simultaneously is simply passing an inherent limit within FSX and that there really is no fault or culprit buried in either.   

You might try changing the load distance settings for UT2 while adjusting the load/pop settings for HNL to separate the two as much as possible.  I've had limited success with this.  More often I've found that pausing and refreshing the sim/scenery, etc at around the 70mi mark can be beneficial, but it's a toss-up.

Personally I think these two products are just taxing FSX/simconnect excessively as one approaches HNL from a long distance.  Why it seems related to long duration flights in-sim is beyond me....


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Re: Not Pointing Fingers, Just Need Help g3d.dll crash
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2011, 10:39:21 pm »
but on overwater flights from the mainland or asia the sim crashes somewhere between 100-50mi out of HNL.

If this is the case, you can safely discount the problem being PHNL airport, since we don't load it until 10 nm from the airport center. Even with the Anti-popup at the maximum level, nothing with be loaded anyway outside the global range of the airport, which at PHNL is set at 10 nm.

The only thing loaded at that distance would be the AFCAD and AI and of course, a different AFCAD from default might call different AI models comparing to default because of the different airline assignments so, one might be easily mistaken the problem "started" when installing the airport, when if fact its AFCAD simply disclosed a problem with AI that was already there, but couldn't be noticed using a different AFCAD.

Some discussions have circled simconnect, and as expected each party insists there is no piece of their product causing the overload.

We had issues with KDFW + UT2, which *used* to rely on Simconnect more heavily compared to other sceneries, and some logging tests we made a while ago revealed several Simconnect errors caused by UT2 (and less errors caused by the LD767), but no errors at all caused by our module, see the original discussion here:

This lead us to change the method KDFW handles ground objects using shaders, and stop using Simconnect, and the problem went away. However, those problem led our module not having enough time left to issue its commands, which caused visual problems at the airport, but we never seen crashes.

PHNL, on the other hand, never used that method to begin with, and it's way less taxiing on Simconnect than KDFW, also because of way less objects to draw. In any case, there are no Simconnect "actions" on our side at PHNL, until entering inside the 10 nm range.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2011, 10:41:10 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Not Pointing Fingers, Just Need Help g3d.dll crash
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2011, 01:59:11 am »
I disabled UT2, and flew the same flight (KLAX-PHNL).  This time, I was able to land without incident. 

Most likely cause, it's a problem with one of the UT2 models, maybe related to an invalid/missing/corrupted texture. Or, maybe not really a problem, but just too many objects loaded, leading to video memory corruption/exhaustion, that might be fixed by lowering the AI density.

Ok, good suggestion.  Anyone else that had this problem, or similar have a suggestion to what UT2 settings work at PHNL?


I had the very same issue for a considerable time and just like you the problem occured when i bought and installed PHNL, I run UT2 as well. I have no idea what caused the issue but this is what i did to resolve it, in UT2 i turned off GA traffic and moving Jetways and since then i've not had the problem,.....give it a try and see if it helps, i still keep commercial AI at 100%.


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Re: Not Pointing Fingers, Just Need Help g3d.dll crash
« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2011, 05:16:28 am »
I had the very same issue for a considerable time and just like you the problem occured when i bought and installed PHNL, I run UT2 as well. I have no idea what caused the issue but this is what i did to resolve it, in UT2 i turned off GA traffic and moving Jetways and since then i've not had the problem,.....give it a try and see if it helps, i still keep commercial AI at 100%.

Interesting.  Is it the combo of unchecking the moving jetways and GA traffic, or does just unchecking the moving jetways work too?


« Last Edit: April 07, 2011, 07:23:26 am by johndrago »


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Re: Not Pointing Fingers, Just Need Help g3d.dll crash
« Reply #11 on: April 07, 2011, 04:30:34 pm »
I had the very same issue for a considerable time and just like you the problem occured when i bought and installed PHNL, I run UT2 as well. I have no idea what caused the issue but this is what i did to resolve it, in UT2 i turned off GA traffic and moving Jetways and since then i've not had the problem,.....give it a try and see if it helps, i still keep commercial AI at 100%.

Interesting.  Is it the combo of unchecking the moving jetways and GA traffic, or does just unchecking the moving jetways work too?



I did them both John, so i believe its the combination, when i tested with just the GA turned off i had the occasional  issue but with them both deactivated, it was fine.


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Re: Not Pointing Fingers, Just Need Help g3d.dll crash
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2011, 02:56:29 am »
I have read in other forums that sometimes the cause for this is a texture issue with one of your planes or one in UT2. The g3d.dll is a hard one to figure out as many things can cause it to happen.


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Re: Not Pointing Fingers, Just Need Help g3d.dll crash
« Reply #13 on: July 09, 2011, 06:56:37 am »
yea  this ctd is  a hard  one  since  can can come up anywhere just go over  to orbox  forum they got two  thread on this type of  ctds


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Re: Not Pointing Fingers, Just Need Help g3d.dll crash
« Reply #14 on: July 10, 2011, 02:24:43 am »
I had the very same issue for a considerable time and just like you the problem occured when i bought and installed PHNL, I run UT2 as well. I have no idea what caused the issue but this is what i did to resolve it, in UT2 i turned off GA traffic and moving Jetways and since then i've not had the problem,.....give it a try and see if it helps, i still keep commercial AI at 100%.

Interesting.  Is it the combo of unchecking the moving jetways and GA traffic, or does just unchecking the moving jetways work too?



I did them both John, so i believe its the combination, when i tested with just the GA turned off i had the occasional  issue but with them both deactivated, it was fine.

I ended up turning off GA traffic, and moving jetways, and it solved the problem for me so far.
