Serge, thanks for the quick turn on the mission updates. I was wondering why my groundspeed seemed so fast on final and so slow on downwind. Also, can you explain what the difference is between the two missions, they seem the same? Also I noticed a 737 parked in the mission, is that for future air refueling purposes? Finally, would you be able to add an LSO, PLAT, and Air Boss camera view to the mission? Similar to the San Diego mission?
OK, enough requests, what I really wanted to say is the vLSO is a great addition, I really like the glideslope and lateral debrief windows. Also seeing the shorthand LSO grade is great, I was surprised how quickly you learn to decode the comments. Kudos to pushing virtual naval aviation, this is huge progress.
Jymp, I had similar issues at first. I started up the vLSO program, then FSX, then the mission, but after flying a circuit, I got no LSO or scoring. But after closing the vLSO, keeping FSX running, and then restarting the vLSO, it worked. Not sure that was the issue though. Also, it seems like their are triggers around the boat that start the program/vLSO scoring in FSX. Is this true Serge? For example if you turn in early (inside of .5 mile) in the groove, the vLSO would not work?
I also updated the mission file to load the VFA-143 hornet for mission 1, and the T-45C and T-45C carrier in mission 2. Let me know if anyone is interested in how to do this, pretty easy but wanted to share.
Will try out the new mission and vLSO tonight.